CAE - Affordability


PURA is statutorily charged with ensuring just and reasonable rates for all public utility customers in Connecticut. Further, as part of its Equitable Modern Grid initiative, PURA identified enhancing customer affordability as one of the four objectives of a truly equitable and modernized electric grid.

The Clean and Affordable Energy (CAE) unit leads the Authority's customer energy affordability work. More specifically, the CAE unit works to improve existing energy assistance programs for residential customers and to develop expanded assistance offerings to residents and business, including in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CAE unit also works to address rate design and distribution system planning matters related to affordability.

Immediate Assistance

For customers experiencing difficulty in paying their utility bill, please call your local utility and inquire about hardship protection and possible payment plans based on your financial and/or medical circumstances. To contact your local utility, please see this page.

Assistance Programs
Financial Hardship Designation

Customers of Eversource Energy, Yankee Gas Service Company (together, Eversource), The United Illuminating Company (UI), The Southern Connecticut Gas Company (SCG), and The Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation (CNG) who meet income eligibility requirements or receive certain government benefits and are unable to pay their gas or electric bill should call their utility and ask about receiving financial hardship protection. Financial hardship protection enables customers to participate in beneficial payment arrangements, summarized below, and offers protection from shut off during from November 1 through May 1. Customers will need to submit documentation to their utility to demonstrate eligibility, which must be updated each year.

For More Information
Eversource Bill Help Fact Sheet 
UI/CNG/SCG Bill Help Fact Sheet 

Winter Protection Plan

Customers of Eversource, UI,  SCG, and CNG who receive financial or medical hardship protection also receive protection from shut-off from November 1 through May 1. No late payments will be assessed during this period, though customers are encouraged to pay as much as they are able to as their full balance will be owed at the end of the winter protection period. Payment arrangements are available to customers to help pay down a past due balance (see below). Customers must renew their eligibility for the Winter Protection Plan each year, beginning in October, by resubmitting documentation to verify a financial or medical hardship.

For More Information:
Eversource Winter Protection Plan
UI/CNG/SCG Help With Bill

 Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

This program assists low-income customers with their winter heating bills by providing direct payments toward their utility gas or electric heating bills. The benefit amount depends on several factors, including household income, number of members in a household, and if any household members are considered vulnerable. The CEAP program is administered by the Department of Social Services, in partnership with the statewide network of local Community Action Agencies (CAAs). Customers must reach out to their local CAA to apply in person each year, or fill out the application online and either email or mail their application to their local CAA. 

For More Information:
Energy Assistance - Winter Heating

Matching Payment Program (MPP)

Eversource, UI, SCG, and CNG electric heating and natural gas heating customers can participate in MPP, a program that offers a fixed monthly payment (as low as $50 per month for customers who receive certain government benefits). MPP also matches customers’ payments twice each year and matches a customer’s energy assistance award. To participate, customers should both contact their utility and apply for energy assistance from the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP). Customers are encouraged to enroll in MPP in November each year. Customers who continue to make payments on MPP are protected from shut-off.

For More Information:
Eversource Matching Payment Program
UI/CNG/SCG Matching Payment Program
 New Start (Eversource electric customers)

New Start is available to income-eligible residential electric customers of Eversource with a past due balance of $100 or more that is at least 60 days past due a 12-month payment arrangement. Payments are based on customers’ average monthly usage. For each on-time payment made, Eversource will credit the customer’s account 1/12th off a customer's past due balance each month, with the goal of eliminating or "forgiving" the past due balance over a year (up to $20,000 annually), down to a $0 balance. Customers who continue to make payments on New Start are protected from shut-off. New Start is also available to customers receiving medical hardship protection.

For More Information:
Eversource New Start

Matching Payment Plan (MaPP; UI customers)  MaPP is available to income-eligible UI customers with a past due balance of $500 or more that is at least 90 days past due a 12-month payment arrangement. Payments are based on customers' average monthly usage. For each on-time payment made, UI will credit the customer's account a set amount, with the goal of eliminating or "forgiving" the past due balance over the 12-month period, down to a $0 balance. Customers who continue to make payments on the Matching Payment Plan are protected from shut-off.

For More Information:
UI Matching Payment Plan
 COVID Payment Plan

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, PURA, together with the regulated utilities, including Eversource, UI, SCG, CNG, Aquarion Water Company, and Connecticut Water, have implemented various measures to provide payment assistance to their customers. Specially, the COVID-19 Payment Plan offers a payment plan for up to 24 months with no down payments or late charges assessed.  

For More Information:

Eversource COVID Payment Plan
UI COVID-19 and Our Response

 Medical Hardship Protection

If anyone in your home is seriously ill or has a life-threatening situation, and you are facing having your natural gas or electrical service shut off, you may be eligible for medical protection. Customers seeking medical protection must have their physician fill out a certification of illness form online through a medical web portal. Customers receiving medical protection are still responsible for any accrued balance.

For More Information:

Eversource Billing Rights
UI/CNG/SCG Medical Hardship Protection

In addition to the programs and resources listed below, outside organizations exist to help customers in need.
For example, 
Operation Fuel has financial programs that provide additional assistance to customers. Operation Fuel and other organizations can also provide additional resources and support for customers.

Outside/Other Resources:  Summary
 Energy Efficiency Services The electric and gas utilities offer a range of energy-saving solutions for residential and commercials customers. Income eligible residential customers can receive a free Home Energy Solutions energy assessment and weatherization service of their home or rental property. There are also numerous rebates available for customers who wish to implement deeper energy-savings measures, or upgrade their appliances.

For More Information:



Docket No. 17-12-03RE01
: PURA Investigation Into Distribution System Planning Of The Electric Distribution Companies - Energy Affordability

Docket No. 17-12-03RE11
: PURA Investigation Into Distribution System Planning Of The Electric Distribution Companies – New Rate Designs And Rates Review

Docket No. 18-04-25RE01
: PURA Investigation Regarding Issues Related to Uncollectible Accounts - Development of Centralized Reporting Requirements and Customer Metrics

Docket No. 20-03-15
: Proceeding to Establish a State of Emergency Utility Shut-Off Moratorium

Docket No. 21-07-01
: Application of The Connecticut Light and Power Company and Yankee Gas Services Company, each individually d/b/a Eversource Energy, The United Illuminating Company, Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation, and The Southern Connecticut Gas Company for Approval of Arrearage Forgiveness Program 2021-2022

Hardship Status Removal Forms:

If your electric account is already enrolled in financial hardship protection and you would like to opt-out to enroll with another energy supplier, customers can view the Eversource form or UI letter and form for next steps.