As many CT customers are experiencing increases in electric bills, PURA is committed to hearing from the public. While we welcome feedback, please note that the best place to direct individual questions about your bill is to your utility company. Additionally, we kindly ask for your patience as PURA's small call center team works to respond to the large volume of inquiries being received. Please refer to these Frequently Asked Questions for further information: PURA FAQs

PURA Docket and Document Information

Search for a Docket by Number

Active Dockets -  contains all open cases and those recently decided.

Inactive Dockets - contains closed cases, with the more recent cases (post-1998) more likely to contain all filed documents.

Undocketed Matters - includes annual reports as well as other undocketed reports and correspondence.

Final Decisions


Service Lists

Telcom Tariffs and Interconnection Agreements - includes revised tariff filings.

Complete Revised Telcom Tariffs -  includes complete tariffs including the latest revisions.

Public Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Sign up for public notification emails here


Assistance with E-Filing: