
Chiefs of Police

Commissioner John A. Danaher, III
Lt. Alaric Fox, Commandant
Connecticut State Police Academy

Training Officers

Protective Services
Resident Troopers

Thomas E. Flaherty

Executive Director 

Date: September 9, 2008
Council Action Pursuant to Public Act 08-67


At the regular meeting of the Police Officer Standards and Training Council on September 4, 2008, the Council adopted the attached document entitled “Uniform Policy for Notifications in Death and Related Events” pursuant to Public Act 08-67.

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council was directed to establish this Uniform Policy by Public Act 08-67 not later than October 1, 2008 and to make the Uniform Policy available “to each police department, agency or individual required to adopt a policy” pursuant to the Public Act.

The Act further requires in subdivision (3) that “Not later than January 1, 2009, each police department, agency or individual that, in the regular course of duty, has responsibility for investigating motor vehicle accidents shall consider the provisions of the Uniform Policy established by the Police Officer Standards and Training Council pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection and adopt a policy for identifying and notifying a member of a person’s family or household with respect to any motor vehicle accident in which a person is killed.”

Included for your review and consideration are:
