In-Service Training Courses

William Tanner
Tel: 203-427-2625
Email: These courses are offered for Connecticut certified police officers only . All requests for course registration must be made by the authorized representative of the police agency and not the individual officer. Click on "Course Title" for full course details.
Course Title Date(s)
December 11, 2024 
December 12, 2024 
December 12-13, 2024 

As of 11-15-2024, registrations have exceeded the space available.  A waiting list is being maintained for this class

December 16, 2024 
  • Closing Date: December 6th, 2024
  • Training Location: CT Police Academy, 285 Preston Avenue, Meriden, 06450
December 16, 2024 
 January 23-24, 2025
 February 24-28, 2025

Call the FIELD SERVICES TRAINING DIVISION (203-427-2625) to confirm course information.

DISCLAIMER: The Police Officer Standards and Training Council (POSTC) makes every effort, within its ability and resources, to provide the highest quality, most relevant in-service training programs available at minimum cost to all Connecticut police officers and agencies.  However, POSTC does not provide legal advice, and does not endorse the accuracy or completeness of specific in-service training programs provided by each of its many contractors and training providers.  The materials and opinions of individual providers offered during in-service training are those of the instructor alone, and do not necessarily represent the position of the Police Officer Standards and Training Council or the State of Connecticut.  Given the multitude of disparate factual scenarios with which law enforcement personnel are presented in the discharge of their official duties, students and sponsoring agencies are strongly advised and encouraged to seek the advice and counsel of their own legal advisors before implementing concepts or adopting specific measures discussed or recommended during in-service training sessions.