
Chief Law Enforcement Officers                   

Training Officers

Protective Services
Resident Troopers

Thomas E. Flaherty

Executive Director 

Date: December 20, 2007
Council Action – Adoption of a Policy Providing Guidelines
Concerning the Acceptance of Missing Persons Reports by
Law Enforcement Agencies and the Response thereto
pursuant to P.A. 07-151



At a Special Meeting of the Police Officer Standards and Training  Council on December 13, 2007, the Council adopted the attached document entitled “Guidelines for Handling Missing Persons Investigations and Acceptance of Reports” pursuant to PublicAct 07-151 Section 1.

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council, as a matter of policy has developed these guidelines and is distributing them to all agencies under our purview in concert with Public Act 07-151.

Included for your review and consideration are:

