To:             Chief Law Enforcement Officers
                  Training Officers
                  Protective Services
                  Resident Troopers

From:          Thomas E. Flaherty
                  Executive Director

Date:           September 20, 2004

Subject:       POST Council Standard for Firearms Qualification
                  (POST Council accepts the Conn. State Police Firearms Course
                  as outlined in a memorandum dated August 20, 2004 from
                  Sergeant Llewellyn Rowe as also meeting POST Firearms Standards)

The Police Officer Standards and Training Council has established a minimum state standard for firearms qualifications. The standard as outlined in General Notices 03-3 and 97-01 must be completed for current law enforcement officers to be recertified.

Federal Law H.R. 218 (Public Law No.108-277)

The federal government has passed into law the right for current officers (who work for a governmental agency, state/town) the right to carry a concealed weapon into other states with certain restrictions. The same law allows retired officers to carry a concealed weapon (with the same restrictions) if they meet their department’s requirements for firearms training “YEARLY”. Retired officers must be able to meet the standards both physically and mentally each year as determined by the agency they retired from. All firearms training must be completed by a POST Council certified instructor in that area of endorsement (301 & 301A).

All agencies must remember that POST Council sets the minimum standards and every agency is encouraged to expand and advance their training from that minimum.

Attachments  (PDF Format)