To: Chief Law Enforcement Officers
Training Commanders/Officers
Protective Services
Resident State Troopers
From: Thomas E. Flaherty
Executive Director
Date: June 30, 2004
Subject: Review Training Credit Hours
At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Police Officer Standards and Training Council held on June 24, 2004 the following motion was presented by the Certification Committee of the Council and passed by the full Council.
“To allow an increase of useable elective hours, for review credit training, to twenty-four (24) hours in Area III, Practical Police Skills, only. All other areas will remain at sixteen (16) hours. This will take effect for recertification in triennial period ending June 30, 2005.”
This will allow officers to receive up to twenty-four (24) hours in Elective Area III plus the mandates for recertification purposes starting with those individuals who are going to be recertified by June 30, 2005. All other elective areas will remain sixteen (16) hours plus the mandates. A new “Review Credit Training Form” has been included in this mailing. If any questions should arise, please contact the Certification Division, Gary Pfeifer, at (203) 238-6694 during normal business hours.