Composition of the Municipal Accountability Review Board Pursuant to Section 367 of Public Act 17-2

The Municipal Accountability Review Board (MARB), which is located in the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) for administrative purposes only, shall be comprised of the 11 members, appointed as follows:

Secretary of OPM, or designee, Chairperson
State Treasurer, or designee, Co-chairperson
Five members appointed by the Governor:
  • a municipal finance director
  • a municipal bond or bankruptcy attorney
  • a town manager
  • a member having significant experience representing organized labor from a list of three recommendations by AFSCME
  • a member having significant experience as a teacher or representing a teacher’s organization selected from a list of three joint recommendations by CEA and AFT-CT

One member appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate and one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the house of Representatives, each of whom shall have experience in business, finance or municipal management.

Ex-Officio and Appointed Members as of
December 17, 2024

Appointed By


Jeffrey R. Beckham, Chair


Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management

The Honorable Erick Russell, Co-Chairperson


State Treasurer

Thomas Hamilton


Retired - Chief Financial Officer, Norwalk Public Schools



Town Manager Seat

Sal Luciano


Executive Director of Council 4 of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO

Vacant Governor

Experienced as a Teacher or representing a Teacher's Organization

Robert White


Bankruptcy Attorney;  Murtha Cullina, LLP; Distinguished Practitioner in Residence, Quinnipiac University School of Law

Susan Weisselberg Senate President Pro Tempore

Former Deputy Secretary, OPM; Former New Haven Public Schools and City Administrator

Lisa Hammersley Speaker of the House

Executive Director of School + State Finance Project

David Biller

Senate Minority Leader

Attorney; Insurance Adjuster

Stephen Falcigno House Minority Leader Former President and CEO of Statewide Meats; Member of Police Commission, Town of Woodbridge