Juvenile Justice & Youth Development
Juvenile justice and youth development links are organized into the following general categories. Links to both Connecticut and national sites are provided:
Youth Development Information
Connecticut Youth Development Links:
Civics First, Inc. - A private, non-profit association that promotes and conducts law-related education programs and projects in Connecticut's public and private schools, courtrooms and communities. (www.civicsfirstct.org)
Connecticut Association for Human Services - An independent, nonprofit public education, research and policy development organization committed to decreasing poverty, neglect and inequality in Connecticut. Provides county-by-county rankings of how Connecticut's children are faring in health and achievement as part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's national KIDS COUNT initiative. (www.cahs.org)
Connecticut Clearinghouse - The state's resource center for information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and related issues affecting mental health and wellness. This site includes information on youth development and links to Connecticut resources. (www.ctclearinghouse.org)
Connecticut Department of Children and Families - Provides information on child protective and family services, juvenile justice services, children's mental health and substance abuse related services, and prevention services in Connecticut. (www.ct.gov/dcf)
Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services - Incorporates a positive youth development approach into prevention strategies including information dissemination, education, alternative activities, strengthening communities, promoting positive values, and problem identification and referral to services. (www.ct.gov/dmhas)
Connecticut Department of Public Health - Provides programs and services in the areas of injury prevention, school-based health clinics, and youth survey data collection and analysis. (www.ct.gov/dph)
Connecticut Voices for Children - A non-profit advocacy organization that focuses on improving child safety and well-being in Connecticut through policy analysis, research, communication and collaboration (www.ctvoices.org)
Youth Development Training and Resource Center (YDTRC) - Offers programs that promote positive youth development by increasing the effectiveness of youth workers and youth-serving organizations. (www.ydtrc.org)
National Youth Development Links:
American Youth Policy Forum - A professional development organization providing learning experiences for policymakers and practitioners working on youth issues. This site contains links to related agencies, publications on youth issues, and forum briefs on youth and community development topics. (www.aypf.org)
ChildStats.gov - Provides easy access to federal and state statistics and reports on children and their families including population and family characteristics, economic security, health, behavior and social environment, and education. (www.childstats.gov)
FHI360 – Youth-related initiatives of this non-profit organization focus on shifting the public debate from youth problems to youth development. This site contains information on programs, tools and publications in the areas of youth development, civic participation, employment, entrepreneurship and education. (www.fhi360.org).
Kids Count - Tracks the educational, social, economic, and physical well-being of children in the U.S. using a wide variety of government statistics and survey data. The Kids Count Data Book provides state-by-state profiles, maps, and rankings. The site also offers on-line access to a compilation of U.S. Census Data focused on child well-being. A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. (www.aecf.org)
National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth - The Family and Youth Services Bureau's central resource on youth and family policy and practice. This site contains a wealth of youth development resources, publications and links. Resources are organized into categories for youth services professionals, policymakers, researchers, students and youth, and parents and community members. (www.ncfy.acf.hhs.gov)
Sparkaction– A collaborative journalism and advocacy network to mobilize action by and for youth. This site includes articles and research on a wide range of child and youth issues. (www.sparkaction.org).
Search Institute - A non-profit research organization specializing in practical research benefiting children and youth. Focuses on positive developmental assets and a community-based approach. This site contains data, resources, publications, conferences, training, and survey services. (www.search-institute.org)
U.S. Census Bureau - Provides detailed information and reports derived from the 2010 U.S. Census, including quick facts by state or county, a children's page highlighting data and reports relevant to America's children, and the American Fact Finder, a powerful tool that enables viewing census data multiple ways. (www.census.gov)
School Attendance
Connecticut School Attendance Links:
Connecticut Association of Boards of Education - A membership organization focused on improving the quality of education throughout the state and the nation through advocacy, support, and professional development. (www.cabe.org)
Connecticut Association of Schools - A non-profit educational organization working to strengthen elementary and secondary education in Connecticut. Provides publications and information for parents and educators on topics such as student transitions between schools and school connectedness. (www.casciac.org)
Connecticut State Department of Education - Official web site of the State Department of Education. (www.ct.gov/sde)
Kids Counsel: Center for Children's Advocacy - Provides legal advocacy, legal references, placement information, and links to resources in Connecticut and nationally. A center of the University of Connecticut School of Law. (www.kidscounsel.org)
National School Attendance Links:
National Alternative Education Association - An all volunteer organization dedicated to information sharing, best practice and advocacy for alternative learning and teaching. (www.the-naea.org)
Truancy Prevention – A resource center providing training and technical assistance, research and resources on the subject of school engagement and truancy prevention. An initiative of the Colorado Foundation for Families and Children. (www.truancyprevention.org)
U.S. Department of Education - Provides school attendance and truancy prevention information. Special section on chronic non-attendance can be found here. (www.ed.gov)
Connecticut School Discipline Links:
Child Health and Development Institute - Identifies, demonstrates, supports and promotes effective health and mental health care innovations and improvements, working closely with providers, policymakers, academic institutions and state agencies. The site includes research and issue briefs and a toolkit for school administrators designed to decrease school arrests by connecting at-risk students to community-based mental health services. (www.chdi.org)
Connecticut State Department of Education Edsight - Provides data on schools and districts including sanctions (out-of and in school suspensions, expulsions, etc.) by school and district. (www.edsight.ct.gov/SASPortal/main.do)
Connecticut Voices for Children - Promotes the well-being of all of Connecticut's children and families by identifying and advocating for strategic public investments. The site includes research and policy papers on issues impacting children and families including education, health and juvenile justice. (www.ctvoices.org)
Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance - Contains background information, action items, and contact information for Connecticut residents interested in the issue of the school to prison pipeline. (www.ctjja.org)
Right Response CT - An initiative of the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) that offers a model Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Superintendent of Schools and the Chief of Police as a starting point for local communities to collaborate and ensure a consistent application of sanctions for school misbehavior, and "Effective School Staff Interactions with Students and Police" a one-day training for middle and high school staff that covers building positive relations with students, data on how discipline is meted out in Connecticut school districts, how the juvenile justice system works, and best practices for creating partnerships between schools and police. (www.rightresponsect.org)
National School Discipline Links:
Center for the Study of Race and Equity at the University of Pennsylvania - Conducts research on race, racism, racial climates, and important topics pertaining to equity in education. The site includes research studies as well as links to professional development for educators and policymakers. (www.gse.upenn.edu/equity)
Civil Rights Project at UCLA - Conducts research on racial and ethnic inequalities in educational opportunities, and on policies that could remedy the resulting inequalities in school outcomes. The site provides research and resources on criminal justice, K-12 education and immigration. (www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu)
Council of State Governments' Justice Center - A national nonprofit organization serving policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels from all branches of government. CSG's Justice Center and Public Policy Research Institute published "Breaking Schools' Rules: A Statewide Study of How School Discipline Relates to Students' Success and Juvenile Justice Involvement" based on an analysis of millions of school and juvenile justice records in Texas. (www.csgjusticecenter.org)
Dignity in Schools Campaign - A national coalition bringing together parents, youth, organizers, advocates and educators to transform their own communities; support alternatives to a culture of zero-tolerance, punishment, criminalization and the dismantling of public schools; and fight racism. The site includes news, links to resources as well as the Model Code on Education and Dignity as a resource for schools. (www.dignityinschools.org)
Duke Center for Child and Family Policy - Conducts policy research including: "Instead of Suspension: Alternative Strategies for Effective School Discipline." (www.law.duke.edu/childedlaw/schooldiscipline)
Kirwan Institute at Ohio State University - Conducts research and invests in educating the public, building the capacity of allied social justice organizations, and investing in efforts that support equity and inclusion. (www.kirwaninstitute.osu.edu)
Lives in the Balance - Nonprofit organization founded by child psychologist Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the empirically supported Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CSP) approach and author of "The Explosive Child" and "Lost at School." In addition to research and training opportunities, the site includes practical tools and a handbook for educators. (www.livesinthebalance.org)
National Association of Secondary School Principals - Professional association of middle and high school principals, assistant principals, and school leaders from across the United States and from over 35 countries around the world. The site includes research, professional development opportunities as well as peer blogs on various issues in education. (www.nassp.org)
National Association of School Psychologists - A professional association representing more than 25,000 school psychologists, graduate students, and related professionals throughout the United States and 25 other countries. The site offers best practice strategies for educators in providing fair and effective discipline. (www.naspcenter.org)
National Center for Education Statistics - The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. (www.nces.ed.gov)
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments - Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students, the center provides research, training and sharing of best practices on issues impacting student achievement. (www.safesupportivelearning.ed.gov)
National Clearinghouse on Supportive School Discipline - Provides educational practitioners with the resources needed to facilitate the reduction of exclusionary discipline practices to stem the pipeline to prison and the implementation of supportive school discipline. (www.supportiveschooldiscipline.org)
Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) program - Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education the Regional Educational Laboratory Program serves the education needs of designated regions, using applied research, development, dissemination, and training and technical assistance to bring the latest and best research and proven practices into school improvement efforts. (www.ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs)
School Justice Partnership - A project of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges with funding from the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to enhance collaboration and coordination among schools, mental and behavioral health specialists, law enforcement and juvenile justice officials to help students succeed in school and prevent negative outcomes for youth and communities. (www.schooljusticepartnership.org)
U.S. Department of Education - Provides resources and supports research on school climate and discipline. The site provides links to videos on relevant seminars, research and other resources. (www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/school-discipline)
Police and Youth
Connecticut Police and Youth Links:
Connecticut Police Chiefs Association - Association of local chiefs of police in Connecticut. Provides links to legal resources and local web sites for participating members. (www.cpcanet.org/)
Connecticut State Police - Provides police and criminal investigation information. Part of the Department of Emergency Service and Public Protection. (www.ct.gov/despp)
National Police and Youth Links:
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) – Provides information, training conferences, and resources to support local implementation of D.A.R.E. programming. Contains information for officers, youth, parents and caregivers. (www.dare.com/home/default.asp)
Law Enforcement Exploring (a.k.a. Police Explorers) – Provides program ideas, training, study guides, and resources for adult and youth leaders of local police explorer programs. (www.exploring.org)
National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) – Training provider and resource center for law enforcement officers assigned to school environments. (www.nasro.org)
National Police Athletic/Activities League (PAL) – Provides information and resources for local chapters of PAL, a youth crime prevention program that utilizes educational, athletic and recreational activities to improve police/youth relations. (www.nationalpal.org)
Office of Community Oriented Policing (COPS) – Provides information and links to training, technical assistance, and other resources on topics such as school safety, gangs, and underage drinking. (www.cops.doj.gov)
Combating Underage Drinking
Connecticut Underage Drinking Links:
Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services - Provides access to prevention and treatment services, information and data related to substance and alcohol use and abuse, including the implementation of a Strategic Prevention Framework to prevent underage drinking. (www.ct.gov/dmhas)
Governor's Prevention Partnership – A non-profit organization that provides training and resources on the topic of combating underage drinking. (www.preventionworksct.org)
Liquor Control Division of the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection - Provides training to local and state police regarding the enforcement of the Connecticut Liquor Control Act with particular emphasis on strategies that discourage underage drinking. (www.ct.gov/dcp/cwp/view.asp?a=1623&q=273660)
Mothers Against Drunk Driving: Connecticut Web Page - Connecticut's chapter of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization. (www.madd.org/ct)
National Underage Drinking Links:
Center for Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws – Provides training, technical assistance and resource materials to states as they implement a federal Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws initiative. Funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). (www.udetc.org)
Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free – A coalition of Governor’s spouses, federal agencies, and public and private organizations focused on prevention of alcohol use by youth ages 9 to 15. Provides information on legislation, alcohol-related statistics, publications, prevention resources, and links. (www.alcoholfreechildren.org)
Mothers Against Drunk Driving – Provides resources and statistics to support efforts to stop drunk driving, support victims, and prevent underage drinking. (www.madd.org)
Stop Underage Drinking – A portal of federal government resources and information on the problem of underage drinking. Provides information for parents, youth, educators, and community members, including community “how-to” guides on combating underage drinking. (www.stopalcoholabuse.gov)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - A division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this site provides links to research, grants and services. (www.samhsa.gov).
Underage Drinking Research Initiative – A project of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), this site provides links to research, reports, surveys, and publications on underage drinking. (www.niaaa.nih.gov)
Juvenile Justice System
Connecticut Juvenile Justice Links:
Connecticut Department of Children and Families - Provides information on child protective and family services, juvenile justice services, children's mental health services and substance abuse related services, and prevention services in Connecticut. (www.ct.gov/dcf)
Connecticut General Assembly - Official site of Connecticut's legislative branch of government. (www.cga.ct.gov)
Connecticut Judicial Branch - Official site of Connecticut's Judicial Branch of government. Provides directions and contact information for juvenile court. (www.jud.ct.gov)
Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance - Advocacy group that promotes a safe, effective and equitable system of services designed to meet the needs of children and adolescents in, or at-risk of becoming involved in, the juvenile justice system. (www.ctjja.org)
Connecticut Police Chiefs Association - Association of local chiefs of police in Connecticut. Provides links to legal resources and local web sites for participating members. (http://www.cpcanet.org/)
Connecticut State Police - Provides police and criminal investigation information. Part of the Department of Public Safety. (www.state.ct.gov/despp)
Kids Counsel: Center for Children's Advocacy - Provides legal advocacy, legal references, placement information, and links to resources in Connecticut and nationally. A center of the University of Connecticut School of Law. (www.kidscounsel.org)
National Juvenile Justice Links:
American Civil Liberties Union - The juvenile justice section of the ACLU web site provides news, statistics and links to videos and press releases. (www.aclu.org/issues/juvenile-justice)
Center for Children's Law and Policy - A public interest law and policy organization focused on reform of juvenile justice and other systems that affect troubled and at-risk children. (http://www.cclp.org/)
Coalition for Juvenile Justice - A national non-profit advocacy organization focused on delinquency prevention and improving the treatment of young offenders. The coalition hosts and sponsors the National Juvenile Justice Network, a learning community for those interested in juvenile justice reform. (www.juvjustice.org)
National Center for Juvenile Justice - A private, non-profit organization providing independent research and technical assistance in the field of juvenile justice. Provides publications and resources, as well as state-level and national juvenile justice data and information. (www.ncjj.org)
National Criminal Justice Reference Service - NCJRS is a federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Executive Office of the President. (www.ncjrs.org)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - OJJDP, an office of the U.S. Department of Justice, supports states, local communities, and tribal jurisdictions in their efforts to develop and implement effective programs for juveniles. (www.ojjdp.gov)
U.S. Congress on the Internet - Provides information on federal legislation and Congressional activities and programs. (www.congress.gov)
Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)
Connecticut DMC Links:
ACLU of Connecticut – Provides information on a wide range of issues including racial justice. (www.acluct.org)
Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance – Contains background information, action items, and contact information for Connecticut residents interested in the issue of DMC. (www.ctjja.org)
CTJustStart.org – Just.Start is an informational campaign to promote fairness in Connecticut's juvenile justice system sponsored by Connecticut's Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee. (www.ctjuststart.org)
National DMC Links:
American Civil Liberties Union – Contains information on DMC and links to an ACLU DMC study. (www.aclu.org)
Center for Children's Law and Police - A national platform designed to expand the work of state and local jurisdictions to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system. (www.cclp.org)
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago – Provides resources, training lessons, and links to other DMC-related information. (www.crfc.org)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – OJJDP’s central source for training and technical assistance, tools, data, resources, and publications on the subject of disproportionate minority contact. (www.ojjdp.gov)