Research, Analysis & Evaluation
The Research, Analysis & Evaluation Unit produces research and analysis on a range of criminal justice issues in Connecticut. In addition to its regularly scheduled publications, the Unit also publishes studies on special topics for executive branch criminal justice agencies. | |
The Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division (CJPPD) at OPM publishes a four-page monthly report that tracks the operations and status of various components in the state's criminal justice system. The Report's contents are defined in Public Act 05-249.
In recent years, the Monthly Indicators Report has focused considerable attention on the state's prison system. Each month, CJPPD recieves data from the Department of Correction, the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the Department of Public Safety and the Juidicial Branch's Court Support Services Division and Court Operations Division. To view all OPM/CJPPD Monthly Indicators reports click here.
The State of Connecticut 2011 Recidivism Study is an annual report published in response to the statutory requirements outlined in Public Act 05-249. The legislation created the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division (CJPPD) within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and tasked the Division with issuing an annual report on the recidivism of offenders released from the custody of the Department of Correction (DOC) and from probation.
For more see Connecticut Recidivism |
The State of Connecticut 2011 Annual Correctional Population Forecast Report is an annual report published in response to the statutory requirements outlined in Public Act 05-249 that created the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division (CJPPD) within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and tasked the Division with developing annual population projections for Connecticut’s correctional system for planning purposes.
For more see Connecticut Forecast. |

OPM/CJPPD Research, Analysis & Evaluation Unit updated the following Connecticut reports to reflect the latest crime statistics published in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's, 2007 Crime in the United States.
Nationally, the 2007 Crime Index, with an estimated 11,251,818 offenses, declined by more than -1.3% when compared to the 2006 Index; for Connecticut with approximately 93,017 offenses, it declined by over -4.7%.