Connecticut Criminal Justice Data Improvement Programs
The Connecticut Statistical Analysis Center Website (works best NOT on Internet Explorer)
The State of Connecticut Statistical Analysis Center (CT-SAC) is housed at OPM. OPM is also the State Administering Agency (SAA) and applicant for the Bureau of Justice Statistics, State Justice Statistics Program. The Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice competitively awards grants on an annual basis. The Research, Analysis & Evaluation Unit applies for these funds to support its research efforts and its facilitation of the Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) for the State of Connecticut.
For questions please contact:
SAC Director, Ivan Kuzyk, 860-418-6238, |
State of Connecticut, Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) Director
Ivan Kuzyk, is the Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) Director for the State of Connecticut and provides analysis used by government executives and policy makers to make informed decisions; and formulates and delivers presentations on key criminal justice issues. In addition, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his position as the Research Partner to the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) program administered by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Connecticut. He has consulted at Federal, State and local levels working with numerous Connecticut organizations and criminal justice partners. Since being hired by the State of Connecticut in June of 2008, Mr. Kuzyk has been instrumental in the preparation of the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division's annual Forecast and Recidivism studies as well as participating in the CJPAC Research workgroup.
The placement of the Connecticut Statistical Analysis Center (CT-SAC) returned to OPM during March 2009, in an effort to streamline operations, to build in-house resources for knowledge sharing, to provide agency cross-training and to improve coordination and support for the CJPAC Research Workgroup. The CT-SAC is housed in OPM's Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division, Research, Analysis and Evaluation Unit.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is the primary statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs. BJS collects, analyzes, publishes, and disseminates information on crime, criminal offenders, crime victims, and criminal justice operations. BJS also provides financial and technical support to state, local, and tribal governments to improve their statistical capabilities and the quality and the utility of their criminal history records. BJS provides statistical information to the President, Congress, other officials, and the public with accurate, timely, and objective data about crime and the management of criminal justice.
State Statistical Analysis Center
The State Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is a network of criminal justice agencies or units supported in part by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to enhance the capabilities of the states to collect, analyze, and interpret data on relevant issues and provide a mechanism for sharing data among states and the federal government. There are SACs in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program
The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics,
State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program for Statistical Analysis Centers competitively awards financial grants and offers technical support to States to establish and maintain a State-level capacity to collect, analyze and report statistics on crime and justice in order to contribute to effective State policies and programs and to participate in national data series. Through the creation of Statistical Analysis Centers, or SAC's, the Bureau of Justice Statistics encourages analyses of evolving criminal justice topics of interest within the states, using data gathered from State and local agencies, and promotes statistical inquiries into improved measures of crime incidence and prevalence.
About the Connecticut SAC
The Connecticut Statistical Analysis Center (CT-SAC) authority resides within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and functions as a clearinghouse for justice related information; it assists in its reporting to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in gathering state data. The Connecticut State SAC is housed in OPM. OPM has appointed Mr. Ivan Kuzyk as its Connecticut SAC Director to be our criminal justice expert and advisor to assist in the development of OPM's in-house research capabilities.
CT-SAC is part of a network of similar centers supported by the
Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA). JRSA is sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and is a national nonprofit organization of SAC directors, and other researchers and practitioners throughout government, academia, and criminal justice organizations. JRSA conducts and publishes policy-relevant research on justice issues, provides training and technical assistance, and maintains a clearinghouse of state criminal justice activities.
Each year the Bureau of Justice Statistics provides grant opportunities for SACs through the State Justice Statistics Program. Connecticut has received numerous grants under the program.
Program Mission:
The Research, Analysis & Evaluation Unit applies for these funds to support its research efforts and its facilitation of the Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) for the State of Connecticut. Our mission is to provide assistance in the successful coordination, implementation, and monitoring of statewide public policies concerning Criminal Justice.
Program Goals:
To improve the quality and usefulness of criminal justice statistics and research results that are disseminated to citizens, public agencies, and private agencies in Connecticut by:
- Sharing data and research by increasing the ability of statistical users to translate data and research results into practice by publishing research results and statistical data that are requested by criminal justice agencies;
- Discussing how to improve the quality of state justice data and research;
- Promoting the use of statistics and research to develop policy;
- Improving the relationship between citizens and criminal justice agencies of Connecticut by conducting citizen surveys of the needs, attitudes, and behavior relating to crime and justice;
- Conducting periodic needs assessments of criminal justice agencies;
- Enhancing applications to process and analyze information in a timely, valid, and reliable form;
Coordinating systems and procedures to collect and disseminate data that are accurate and complete;
Continuing in the development of forecasts of adult inmates, adults under community supervision, and juvenile offenders;
Continuing to strengthen the relationship between the Connecticut criminal justice agencies and the national Bureau of Justice Statistics, United State Department of Justice, by providing justice statistics to the Bureau of Justice Statistics as required and serving as a clearing house for Bureau of Justice Statistics materials;
Continuing to improvement of clearinghouse functions, responding to queries on criminal justice issues from all levels of citizenry, local, state, and federal governments;
Ongoing maintenance and improvement of the SAC Administrative website and online applications for data dissemination and sharing;
- Analyzing offender-based tracking data;
- Conducting specialized studies that use statistical data which are presently maintained by state and local agencies in Connecticut; and
- Supporting the implementation of a statewide Unified Criminal Justice Information System.
Connecticut SAC Director
In Connecticut the State SAC Director is an OPM position or OPM appointee whereby the designee functions primarily in an advisory role to Office of Policy and Management in matters of Criminal Justice; and may represent the State of Connecticut's Office of Policy and Management at local and national forums. The following is a list of current and former individuals that have served as the State of Connecticut SAC Director:
2009 to >>> - Ivan Kuzyk, OPM/CJPPD, Planning Specialist
2007 to 2008 - Steve Cox, CCSU, Prof. Criminology (2 years)
2005 to 2006 - No Agreement/Application
1989 to 2004 - Dolly Reed, OPM, Chief of Research (15 years)
1980 to 1989 - Gerald "Jerry" Stowell, OPM, Chief of Research (9 years)
This Web site is funded, in part, through a grant from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this Web site (including, without limitations, its content, technical infrastructure, any policies, and any services or tools provided). |