Hospital Annual and 12-Month Filings and Instructions

hospital filing
Connecticut hospitals are required (Conn. Gen. Statute 19a-643-206) to report annually on their actual operating results for the previous fiscal year, October 1st to September 30th, to the Office of Health Strategy (OHS).

The annual filing reports include information such as audited financial statements, Medicare Cost Reports, hospital and parent corporation legal charts of corporate structure, hospital uncompensated care policies and procedures, hospital financial data, hospital utilization statistics, and the Hospital Reporting System (HRS) reports.

Important dates to remember:

• Fiscal Year filings are reported for the period October 1 – September 30.
• The Annual Reporting filing is due to OHS no later than the end of business day on February 28 of each year.
• Twelve Months Actual Filing are due to OHS no later than end of business day March 31 of each year.

Annual and 12-month reports

Annual and 12-month reports 

View annual and 12-month reports with the Hospital Reporting System (HRS).

Financial documents 

View hospital financial statements, Medicare Cost Reports, officers and directors, organization charts, and more in the Hospital Reporting System (HRS).

File annual and 12-month data 

Log into the OHS Hospital Reporting System (HRS) for acute care hospitals to file annual and 12-month reports.

Hospital Data Reporting 

Return to the Hospital Data Reporting program page.

FY 2024 Annual Reporting Resources

Review the the instructions, affidavit and checklists to complete the FY 2024 annual reporting requirements.

FY 2024 Twelve Months Actual Filing Instructions

Review the instructions, affidavit and checklists to complete the 12 month actual filing requirements.

A complete listing and description of each of the Annual Reporting and 12-Month requirements can be found below:
