Robert B. Nett (1944)
Robert Burton Nett of New Haven was awarded the nation's highest military award, the Medal of Honor, for actions during the Battle of Ormoc Bay in the Pacific Theater of World War II.
His citation reads:
He commanded Company E in an attack against a reinforced enemy battalion which had held up the American advance for 2 days from its entrenched positions around a 3-story concrete building. With another infantry company and armored vehicles, Company E advanced against heavy machinegun and other automatic weapons fire with Lt. Nett spearheading the assault against the strongpoint. During the fierce hand-to-hand encounter which ensued, he killed 7 deeply entrenched Japanese with his rifle and bayonet and, although seriously wounded, gallantly continued to lead his men forward, refusing to relinquish his command. Again he was severely wounded, but, still unwilling to retire, pressed ahead with his troops to assure the capture of the objective. Wounded once more in the final assault, he calmly made all arrangements for the resumption of the advance, turned over his command to another officer, and then walked unaided to the rear for medical treatment. By his remarkable courage in continuing forward through sheer determination despite successive wounds, Lt. Nett provided an inspiring example for his men and was instrumental in the capture of a vital strongpoint.
Robert Nett continued his military career for another thirty-three years, retiring at the rank of Colonel. His most notable post-war work was in the Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Fort Benning, Georgia.

Colonel (retired) Robert B. Nett
He was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame and the Officer Candidate Hall of Fame and has a building named for him at Camp Niantic, CT - The COL Robert B. Nett Leadership Hall. He passed away on October 19, 2008. On June 14, 2010, the Army named their newest line of communication equipment for the ground warrior the "Nett Warrior".

COL Robert B. Nett Leadership Hall, Camp Niantic, CT