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Governor Lamont Declares Stage 2 Drought Advisory for All of Connecticut
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he is declaring a Stage 2 drought advisory for all eight counties in Connecticut due to far below normal precipitation levels and ongoing fire danger levels statewide.
Governor Lamont Reminds Individuals and Businesses: There’s Two Weeks Left to Apply for Federal Disaster Assistance From August Floods
Governor Ned Lamont today is reminding homeowners, renters, and businessowners in Fairfield County, Litchfield County, and New Haven County that there are two weeks left to apply for federal disaster assistance to support recovery for uninsured or underinsured property damage experienced during the August 18, 2024, historic rainfall and severe floods.
Governor Lamont Directs Flags To Half-Staff Monday in Honor of Botsford Fire Rescue Assistant Chief Pete Blomberg
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he is directing U.S. and state flags in Connecticut lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, November 4, 2024, in honor of Botsford Fire Rescue Assistant Chief Pete Blomberg, who died in the line of duty.
Governor Lamont Announces Launch of 2025 Teen Safe Driving Video Contest Hosted by the Connecticut DMV and Travelers
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that teenage students and high schools in Connecticut can win up to $26,000 in prizes by entering a submission into Connecticut's 16th annual Teen Safe Driving Video Contest hosted by the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles and Travelers.
Governor Lamont Announces Open Enrollment for Coverage With Access Health CT Has Begun and Runs Through January 15
Governor Ned Lamont and Insurance Commissioner Andrew N. Mais today announced that the open enrollment period for Connecticut residents seeking to enroll in health insurance plans for 2025 with Access Health CT, the state’s official health insurance marketplace, has begun effective this morning and continues through January 15, 2025.
Governor Lamont Announces Applications Now Open for Grants To Support Youth-Led Service Initiatives
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that the Connecticut Commission on Community Service, also known as Serve Connecticut, is now accepting applications for mini-grants to support youth-led service initiatives in Connecticut.
Governor Lamont Announces Connecticut Awarded $9 Million to Close the Digital Divide
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that the Commission for Educational Technology, an office within the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services, is being awarded more than $9 million in federal funding to launch key initiatives outlined in the state's digital equity plan, "Connecticut: Everyone Connected."
Governor Lamont Announces Connecticut National Guard’s 103rd Airlift Wing Set To Be Honored as the Air National Guard’s Top Airlift Unit
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that the Connecticut National Guard's 103rd Airlift Wing has been named the best airlift unit in the Air National Guard by the Airlift/Tanker Association, a group of aviation professionals dedicated to the support of military airlift.
Governor Lamont Announces FEMA Amends Major Disaster Declaration for August Storm To Include Public Assistance Program
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he has received notification from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) informing him that the major disaster declaration President Joe Biden approved for Fairfield County, Litchfield County, and New Haven County as a result of the historic rainfall and extreme flooding that region of Connecticut received on August 18, 2024, has been amended to include the governor's request for FEMA's Public Assistance Program.
Governor Lamont Directs Flags To Return to Full-Staff Monday Evening
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he is directing U.S. and state flags in Connecticut to return to full-staff at sunset on the evening of Monday, October 28, 2024.
Governor Lamont Calls for Independent Audit of Connecticut State Colleges and Universities System
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he is calling for an independent audit of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) system in an effort to increase public transparency and accountability of the higher education system's financial management practices.
Governor Lamont Declares State of Emergency Due to Critical Fire Weather Conditions Statewide
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he has declared a state of emergency due to the critical fire weather conditions that exist throughout Connecticut, as well as the continued response to the brush fire at Lamentation Mountain in Berlin and Meriden, which is being commonly referred to as the Hawthorne Fire.
Governor Lamont Announces Accelerated Efforts To Build a Skills-Based Ecosystem for Public Sector Employment in State Government
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that the State of Connecticut is joining a coalition of state governments working to make skills-first talent practices a reality as part of the "Transformers in the Public Sector" initiative, a first-of-its-kind effort led by the national nonprofit organization Opportunity@Work that aims to break down barriers to public-sector employment for workers who have developed valuable skills through alternative means other than obtaining a bachelor's degree, such as military service, community college, training programs, partial college completion, or, most commonly, on-the-job experience.
Governor Lamont Secures FEMA Grant to Assist With Emergency Costs of Responding to Hawthorne Fire in Berlin
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved his request for Connecticut to receive a grant through its Fire Management Assistance Grant program to support the state and its municipalities in their emergency response to the Hawthorne Fire in Berlin.
Governor Lamont Directs Flags To Half-Staff in Honor of Wethersfield Firefighter Robert Sharkevich
Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he is directing U.S. and state flags in Connecticut lowered to half-staff in honor of Robert Sharkevich Sr., a member of the Wethersfield Volunteer Fire Department and former member of the Hartford Fire Department who died in the line of duty while responding to a brush fire at Lamentation Mountain in Berlin.