Governor's Ranked-Choice Voting Working Group

Several people in voting booths filling out ballots on Election Day

Exploring Options for Voting in Elections and Primaries

Governor Lamont established a working group and tasked them with reviewing options and developing a comprehensive legislative proposal that could be presented to the Connecticut General Assembly to create a system of ranked-choice voting in Connecticut. Such a system would enable municipalities and political parties with the option of using ranked-choice voting in caucuses, conventions, primaries, and certain municipal elections.

Current state law does not enable the use of ranked-choice voting in any primaries or elections.

This working group consists of members representing various political affiliations. They have been asked to develop a final report of recommendations that could be presented to the legislature in time for consideration during the 2025 regular legislative session.

“Ranked-choice voting has been used with success in other states throughout the U.S. for many years, and there is a growing consensus in Connecticut that enacting this system here will benefit our voters. I want this multipartisan working group to review how those systems operate, ascertain best practices, and collaboratively determine the best way that it can be implemented in Connecticut so that our municipalities and political parties have this option available to them.”
— Governor Lamont

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