2019 Legislative Proposals

“I have been an entrepreneur all my life, starting businesses that have grown and expanded, increasing the top line allowing us to do more and dream big. Together we can turn this fiscal challenge on its head, use it as a wake-up call to jump start our economy that works for everyone.”
— Governor Ned Lamont in his budget address to the General Assembly. February 20, 2019

A Path Forward

Read transcript of the budget address Governor Lamont delivered on February 20, 2019

Governor Lamont's FY 2020-2021 Budget Proposal

Fact Sheet | FAQ

Budget Documents


2019 Legislative Proposals

A Path Forward

HB 7147, An Act Making Deficiency Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019

→ This proposal makes deficiency appropriations and transfers funds to address shortfalls for FY 2019 projected as of February 20, 2019.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7148, An Act Concerning the State Budget for the Biennium Ending June Thirtieth, 2021, and Making Appropriations Therefor

→ This bill proposes appropriations for FY 2020 and FY 2021.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7163, An Act Implementing the Governor's Budget Recommendations for the Department of Aging and Disability Services

→ This bill changes the name of the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) to the Department of Aging and Disability Services to reflect the elimination of the State Department on Aging and merger into DORS in Public Act 18-179.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7150, An Act Implementing the Governor’s Budget Recommendations Concerning Education

→ This proposal makes various changes to the statutes that are necessary to implement the Governor’s budget for education.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7164, An Act Implementing the Governor's Budget Recommendations for Human Services

→ This proposal makes various changes to the statutes that are necessary to implement the Governor’s budget for human services.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 872, An Act Implementing the Governor’s Budget Recommendations for General Government

→ This proposal makes various changes to the statutes that are necessary to implement the Governor’s budget.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 877, An Act Concerning Revenue Items to Implement the Governor’s Budget

→ This bill contains the major revenue elements of the Governor’s plan to balance the FY 2020 and FY 2021 budgets.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 876, An Act Authorizing and Adjusting Bonds of the State for Capital Improvements, Transportation and Other Purposes

→ This proposal authorizes general obligation (GO) bonds of $944.1 million in FY 2020 and $976.5 million in FY 2021, special tax obligation (STO) bonds for transportation of $776.6 million in FY 2020 and $782.4 million in FY 2021 and Clean Water Fund Revenue Bonds of $84 million in FY 2021 as detailed below.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7193, An Act Implementing the Governor’s Budget Recommendations Regarding Public Health

→ This proposal makes various changes to the statutes that are necessary to implement the Governor’s budget for public health.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

Structural Reform for a Sustainable Future

SB 873, An Act Stabilizing the Teachers' Retirement Fund

→ Finding a solution to the state’s pension liabilities is one of the Governor’s top priorities. This proposal reflects three core principles that form a foundation for restructuring how the teachers’ pension system is funded.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7192, An Act Concerning Municipal and Regional Opportunities and Efficiencies

→ This proposal provides for earlier detection of fiscally distressed municipalities so that steps can be taken to ensure financial stability; takes concrete steps to identify opportunities, plan for and implement the sharing and consolidation of services within municipalities, among municipalities and on a regional basis; and provides the funding to incentivize the streamlining of state, regional and local service delivery.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 882, An Act Concerning Municipal Arbitration and the Municipal Employees Retirement System

→ This proposal accomplishes three things. First, it revises the selection process for the neutral arbitrators that chair municipal arbitration panels. Second, it gradually increases employee contributions to the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS) over a three-year period. Lastly, it charges the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations with recommending a new tier for the MERS modeled after the State Employee Retirement System.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)


A More Efficient and Responsive State Government

SB 878, An Act Enhancing Public-Private Partnerships

→ This proposal provides executive branch agencies and quasi-public agencies the authority to enter into public-private partnerships with private entities to contract to design, develop, finance, construct, operate, or maintain projects.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7160, An Act Increasing Voter Access

→ This proposal improves election administration in Connecticut by leveraging new technologies to reduce costs and inconveniences, especially those associated with voter registration and special elections; providing registrars with options to make election-day registration more convenient for voters; enfranchising election-day registrants in line to register before the polls close; creating opportunities for students to engage in election administration; and making Election Day a state holiday.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7201, An Act Concerning the Convenience of Acquiring Motor Vehicle Licenses and Registrations

→ This proposal extends the duration of vehicle registrations, drivers’ licenses, and non-driver identity cards by a third. It also makes changes required before the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can implement the current “skip-a-trip” technology that will allow some residents to renew their licenses remotely.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 879, An Act Concerning Transparency for Quasi-Public Agencies

→ This proposal adds the Office of Policy and Management and the Office of Fiscal Analysis to quasi-public agencies’ annual report distribution and adds OPM to the quarterly reports provided to OFA on expenditures, revenues and personnel.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)


A Great Education for Every Connecticut Child

HB 7149, An Act Bolstering Minority Teacher Recruitment

→ This proposal extends the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority’s down payment assistance program to teachers who are graduates of educational reform districts, also known as Opportunity Districts, Historically Black Colleges or University, and Hispanic Serving Institutions, and provides new capital authorizations for that program.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 874, An Act Concerning Education Initiatives and Services in Connecticut

→ This proposal would establish a Commission on Shared School Services to develop a plan for the sharing or consolidation of school services and school districts.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)


Partnering with Connecticut’s Business Community

HB 7152, An Act Accelerating the Deployment of 5G Wireless Facilities

→ This proposal sets up a process to site 5G wireless facilities on state property. It also instructs the Office of Policy and Management, in consultation with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and the Connecticut Siting Council, to work with municipalities to establish a process to site 5G technology on municipal property.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 875, An Act Expanding Connecticut's Offshore Wind Energy Portfolio

→ This proposal allows the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Office of Consumer Counsel and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, to conduct a solicitation for offshore wind resources.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7151, An Act Concerning Energy Efficiency Standards

→ This proposal, based on model legislation being advanced in multiple states, protects Connecticut’s businesses and residents from increased energy costs associated with the proposed repeal of federal lighting efficiency standards.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)


Support for Connecticut's Working Families

SB 881, An Act Establishing a Paid Family and Medical Leave Program

→ This proposal establishes a paid family and medical leave program that provides workers who need to take time off of work for a new child or because of their own or a family member’s serious medical condition with a portion of their salary for up to twelve weeks. It also protects those taking such leave, regardless of the size of their employer, from being fired or otherwise penalized by their employer.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7191, An Act Increasing the Minimum Wage

→ This proposal raises Connecticut’s minimum wage to $15 over four years and then indexes it to the Employment Cost Index.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

HB 7159, An Act Addressing Opioid Use

→ This proposal makes changes to reduce the misuse of prescription opioids, strengthen oversight of prescriptions for opioids, facilitate use of the state’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, prohibit discrimination against individuals who use life-saving opioid antagonists, and enhance communication between health care practitioners and patients regarding opioid use.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)

SB 880, An Act Increasing Fairness and Transparency in the Criminal Justice System

→ This proposal increases fairness and transparency as people enter and exit Connecticut’s criminal justice system.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)


A Transportation System that Fuels our Growth

HB 7202, An Act Concerning the Sustainability of Connecticut's Transportation Infrastructure

→ This proposal authorizes the Department of Transportation (DOT) to construct, maintain, and operate electronic tolls on Connecticut’s limited access highways.
Fact sheet (Current as of introduction)



