Governor Lamont's Executive Orders

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  • 4/10/2020 Executive Order No. 7X

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Protections for residential renters impacted by COVID-19; Continued cancellation of school classes through May 20, 2020; Extension of closures, distancing, and safety measures through May 20, 2020; Modification or deferral of educator certification testing; and Permission to operate food trucks at rest areas.

  • 4/9/2020 Executive Order No. 7W

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Suspension and modification of tax deadlines and collection efforts pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 6; No increased experience rating based on COVID-19 unemployment claims; Coil cleaning requirements modified; Delivery signature requirement suspended; Return of permit not necessary for temporary closures pursuant to Executive Order No. 7D; Ninety-day provisional permits; Renewal date for on-premise liquor permits to be extended; and Permit need not be recorded with town clerk.

  • 4/7/2020 Executive Order No. 7V

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Safe workplaces in essential businesses; Temporary permits for certain health care providers extended and fees waived; Practice before licensure for certain health care profession applicants and graduates; Practice before licensure for marital and family therapy associates; Practice before licensure for professional counselor associates; and Protection from civil liability for actions or omissions in support of the state’s COVID-19 response.

  • 4/5/2020 Executive Order No. 7U

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Protection from civil liability for actions or omissions in support of the state’s COVID-19 response; and Financial protections for the uninsured and people covered by insurance who receive out-of-network health care services during the public health emergency.

  • 4/2/2020 Executive Order No. 7T

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Prohibition on non-essential lodging; Further clarification of limits on restaurants, bars, and private clubs; Suspension of notarization requirement related to Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program; Flexibility to maintain adequate child care infrastructure; Suspension of rehearing rights for temporary rate increases for certain health care providers; and Alternative to affidavits in relation to orders of protection and relief.

  • 4/1/2020 Executive Order No. 7S

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Safe stores mandatory statewide rules 60-day grace period for premium payments, policy cancellations, and non-renewals of insurance policies; Extension of 30-day period of credit for liquor permittees; Daily payment of certain taxes changed to weekly; Flexibility to amend Medicaid waivers and state plan; Relief from certain municipal tax deadlines and collection efforts; Allow suspension of in-person voting requirements for critical and time sensitive municipal fiscal deadlines; Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled circuit breaker tax relief program and for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled freeze tax relief program; Substitution of full inspection requirements pertaining to October 1, 2020 grand list revaluations; Extension of deadline to file income and expense statement to August 15; Suspension of non-judicial tax sales.

  • 3/31/2020 Executive Order No. 7R

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Continuation of funding for boards of education; Continuation of payment of public school staff; Preservation of student transportation services and special education providers; Restrictions on entrance to state parks, forests, and other lands; and Curbside pickup of alcoholic beverages permitted.

  • 3/30/2020 Executive Order No. 7Q

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Requirement of limited group sizes in childcare; Enhancement of health procedures for all operating childcare programs; and Authorization of remote notarization.

  • 3/28/2020 Executive Order No. 7P

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Authorization to provide for non-congregant housing for persons at risk.

  • 3/27/2020 Executive Order No. 7O

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Suspension of license renewals and inspections by DPH; Modification of health care provider identification badge requirements; Waiver of registration requirement for alcohol-based hand sanitizers and medical devices; and Waiver of Birth-to-Three family cost participation fees.

  • 3/26/2020 Executive Order No. 7N

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Further reduction of social and recreational gatherings to 5 people; Restrictions on restaurant payment and pickup operations; Further restrictions on retail operations; Requirement of firearms transactions by appointment only Suspension of tax on single-use checkout bags; Prohibition of employers from requiring employees to place items in customers' reusable bags; Suspension of 21-month limit on Temporary Family Assistance; and Suspension of school testing assessments for 2019-20 school year.

  • 3/25/2020 Executive Order No. 7M

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Tolling of time periods for DOT final determinations on permits; Suspension of mandatory statutory filing requirements for FOIA appeals and decisions; and Authorization of state agencies to extend statutory regulatory administrative deadlines by 90 days.

  • 3/24/2020 Executive Order No. 7L

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Extension of class cancellations at all public schools to April 20; Early opening of fishing season; Suspension of restrictions on reemployment of municipal retirees; Flexibility to maintain adequate medical marijuana access for patients; Extension of time period for nursing home transfers; Modification of the duties of registrars of vital records; Modification of in-person purchase of and access to copies of vital records; and Modification of marriage license requirements.

  • 3/23/2020 Executive Order No. 7K

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Suspension of non-critical probate court operations; Suspension of non-critical Workers' Compensation Commission operations; Authorization of remote notarization; Modification of DPH regulatory requirements; and Suspension of national criminal history records checks for long-term care providers.

  • 3/22/2020 Executive Order No. 7J

    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Clarification of "Stay Safe, Stay Home" Executive Order No. 7H regarding nonessential business operations; Extension of time period for fire service personnel examinations; Delivery of methadone to homebound patients by methadone maintenance clinics; Suspension of rehiring procedures and restrictions on temporary worker retirees; Modification of real property statutes to facilitate leasing, repairs, alterations and use of real property; and Modification of state contracting statutes to facilitate leasing, repairs, alterations, and use of real property.