Office of Intimate Partner Violence, Substance Use and Recovery
About Us
Contact Us
2022 Substance Use Triannual Report
First Responders SUD Resource Guide
Language Matters
The Office of Intimate Partner Violence, Substance Use and Recovery sits within the Division of Behavioral Health Community Services. DCF has the statutory authority for providing an integrated system of services and supports for children and adolescents with substance use and mental health disorders. DCF-funded Substance Use Services are designed to offer children, youth, caregivers and their families a range of services for mental health, psychiatric, and substance use disorders that are grounded in best practice and evidence. These services are provided in the home or community, often preventing the need for more intensive or restrictive care such as hospital, residential, or group home services. The adolescent substance use service array is available to all families in the community and do not require DCF involvement.
About Us
The Office of Intimate Partner Violence, Substance Use and Recovery supports DCF's mission of "partnering with communities and empowering families to raise resilient children who thrive" by providing a recovery-oriented system of care to all children and their families in Connecticut. Our objective is to provide a recovery-oriented system of care designed to:
- Prevent the negative impact of substance use;
Promote health, wellness and resiliency for our children, families, and community at large;
Intervene and support children and caregivers who need services to recover from substance use and intimate partner violence related problems; and
Sustain recovery for children, adults and families by providing recovery supports, recognition that recovery is possible, and the elimination of stigma in our communities.
Our substance use treatment services are:
culturally informed;
engaging, empowering, and strengths-based;
trauma-informed and gender responsive;
developmentally appropriate;
family driven/person centered and child/youth guided;
evidence-based, flexible, and innovative; and
seamless, comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated.

Contact Us
Kris Robles, LCSW
Clinical Behavioral Health Manager
Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Keri Lloyd, LCSW
Behavioral Health Program Manager
Substance Use Treatment and Recovery
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Alison Karimi, LMSW
Program Supervisor
Intimate Partner Violence Services
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Lauren Kittle, MS
Program Supervisor
Substance Use Treatment and Recovery
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Amy Rodriguez, LCSW
Behavioral Health Program Manager
Substance Use Treatment and Recovery
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106