Substance Use Services
DCF funds a wide array of substance use treatment services for adolescents in CT and DCF involved parents/caregivers experiencing difficulties with substance use. Services include:
- outpatient, intensive in-home services, and residential care for adolescents aged 12 and older,
- intensive in-home re-entry services for youthful offenders transitioning from secure facilities back to the community,
- specialized treatment approaches for priority populations such as transition age youth/emerging adults and youth with problem sexual behavior, and
- intensive in-home treatment services and recovery support services for caregivers involved with child protective services.
Information regarding the statewide distribution of substance use services by DCF Region and Area Office can be found here.Click on a program below to identify the service provider and geographical coverage area.
Adolescent Services
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment through SSTRY (SBIRT SSTRY)
Substance Screening, Treatment, and Recovery for Youth (SSTRY)
Helping Youth and Parents Enter (HYPE) Recovery
Multi-Dimensional Family Therapy (MDFT)
Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST)
Multi-Systemic Therapy-Emerging Adults (MST-EA)
Multi-Systemic Therapy-Problem Sexual Behavior (MST-PSB)
SMART Recovery Groups through Youth Recovery CT
Adult Caregiver Services
SAFE Family Recovery
Recovery Engagement Services (SAFE-FR RES)
Multidimensional Family Recovery (SAFE-FR MDFR)
Recovery Monitoring and Support (SAFE-FR RMS)
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SAFE-FRSBIRT)
Family Based Recovery (FBR)
Multi-Systemic Therapy-Building Stronger Families (MST-BSF)
ASAM 2.1 Level of Care (Intensive Outpatient) - Intensive Outpatient (IOP) provides 6-19 hours of clinically intensive programming per week (minimum of three contact days per week) for adolescents based on individual treatment plans. Services include, but are not limited to individual, group, and family counseling including psychoeducation on recovery. Intensive outpatient program services should include evidence-informed practices. Services also include monitoring of alcohol/drug use and orientation and referral to community-based support groups, as appropriate and indicated by the individual’s treatment plan. Duration of treatment is individualized and flexible based on progress and outcome of the individual.
- Elevate Health and Wellness - 179 Post Road West, Westport - (203)450-4882
- McCall - 58 High Street, Torrington - (860)496-2100
- McCall - 969 West Main Street, Waterbury - (860)496-2100
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 934 North Main Street, Danielson - (860)779-2101
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 72 Shaker Road, #7, Enfield - (860)749-2243
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 1353 Gold Star Highway, Groton - (860)629-8270
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 189 Storrs Road, Mansfield Center - (860)465-5957
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 11A Stott Avenue, Norwich - (860)823-5320
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 5 Research Parkway, Old Saybrook - (860)510-0163
- Root Center - 12 Business Park Drive, Suite 104, Branford - (475)290-0012
- Root Center - 335 Broad Street, Manchester - (800)862-2181
- Root Center - 520 Saybrook Road, Middletown - (800)862-2181
- Rushford - 883 Paddock Avenue, Meriden - (877)577-3233
- Turnbridge - 162 Kings Highway North, Westport - (877)581-1793
ASAM 2.5 Level of Care (Partial Hospitalization) - Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) provides 20 or more hours of clinically intensive programming per week (minimum of four contact days per week) based on individual treatment plans. These services include, but are not limited to individual, group, family counseling, and psychoeducation on recovery, as well as monitoring of alcohol/drug use, medication management, medical, and psychiatric examinations, crisis intervention, and orientation to community-based support groups. Duration of treatment is individualized and flexible based on progress and outcome of the individual.
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 934 North Main Street, Danielson - (860)779-2101
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 72 Shaker Road, #7, Enfield - (860)749-2243
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 1353 Gold Star Highway, Groton - (860)629-8270
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 189 Storrs Road, Mansfield Center - (860)465-5957
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 11A Stott Avenue, Norwich - (860)823-5320
- Natchaug Hospital, Joshua Center - 5 Research Parkway, Old Saybrook (860)510-0163
- Rushford - 883 Paddock Avenue, Meriden - (877)577-3233
For additional services in your area, please contact: 2-1-1 of Connecticut