Mitchell College

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Mitchell College


We have a dual enrollment partnership with New London Public Schools to offer Mitchell College courses, on the Mitchell campus, to interested and qualified high school juniors and seniors.

Programming and Partnerships

We are currently offering a mix of 3-credit general education and introductory major courses:  General Psychology; Race, Ethnicity, and Culture; State & Local Government; Introduction to Business; Introduction to Early Education; Contemporary Issues in Education; Introduction to Applied Exercise Science.  Students are able to earn Mitchell College credits by satisfactorily completing the course.

Currently, our partnership is with New London Public Schools via a memorandum of agreement. 

Student Eligibility

Students are recommended for the program by their high school teachers and guidance counselors. They are reviewed by our Admissions office (as part-time students) and have a dedicated advisor on campus who liaises with the high school.

Instructor Credentials for Concurrent Enrollment Courses

Courses are delivered by Mitchell College faculty on the Mitchell campus.

Registration and Fees

Dually enrolled students enter Mitchell College through our Admissions Office and are registered as part-time non-degree students.

Because the students take general courses, credits should be transferable to most institutions of higher education, provided the student earned a C or better in the course.

The school system pays $1,000 per student per course and provides transportation for their students to come to campus. Students do not pay to participate in the program.

Supports for Multilingual Families 

Ours is a new dual enrollment program. Should we need to translate for families in the future, we can call upon an Education faculty member who is bilingual (English-Spanish) or rely on the high school for support.

Contact Information

Elizabeth Beaulieu, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dual Credit Programs