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  • Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE) 2014 Annual Report (2.91 MB)

    The program is organized under a multi-tiered structure, which enables individuals to receive home care services in levels corresponding to their functional needs and financial eligibility. The first two categories are funded primarily through a State appropriation.

  • Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE) 2015 Annual Report (4.55 MB)

    The Connecticut Horne Care Program for Elders has evolved over the years to better meet the needs of Connecticut's older citizens. The program uses state-of-the-art approaches for delivering home care services to frail elders who are at risk of institutionalization.

  • Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE) 2016 Annual Report

    The Connecticut Home Care Program exemplifies the state's long-standing commitment to comprehensive community-based care for elders in need of long-term care. By enabling and providing supportive services at home, the state has helped to preserve the dignity and autonomy of older persons and has assisted families struggling to maintain older relatives at home.

  • Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE) 2017 Annual Report (4.97 MB)

    This program combines federal and state funds to cost-effectively serve older adults according to their needs. Care plans are developed within the limits of 25%, 50% and 100% of the average nursing facility cost.

  • CT Home Care Rate Study Analysis, 3/25/15 (3 MB)

    The attached report has been prepared by the Department of Social Services, pursuant to House Bill No 5597, Public Act No. 14-217, Sec 78. The report includes an analysis of the cost of providing services under the Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders and the pilot program to provide home care services to persons with disabilities.

  • DSS 1998 Report To General Assembly On Digital Imaging (210KB)

    On April 12, 1995, Governor John Rowland’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Welfare Fraud released a report detailing their findings and recommendations after an extensive investigation of Connecticut’s welfare system.

  • Health Information Technology/Health Information Exchange: Status Report & Plan (March 2015)

    The Health Information Technology Exchange of Connecticut (HITE-CT), a quasi-public agency, was created by the 2010 Connecticut General Assembly, was sunset effective June 30, 2014, and the responsibilities1 for Health Information Technology (HIT) and Health Information Exchange (HIE) were transferred to the Department of Social Services (DSS) via Public Act 14-217...

  • Medicaid Program Integrity Report to Legislature 2017

    This report has been prepared by the Department of Social Services in coordination with the Office of the Chief State's Attorney and the Office of the Attorney General. The joint report represents the state's efforts to prevent and control fraud, abuse, and errors in the Medicaid payment system and to recover Medicaid overpayments.

  • Medicaid Program Integrity Report to Legislature, 1/8/15

    The attached joint report has been prepared by the Department of Social Services in coordination with the Office of the Chief State's Attorney and the Office of the Attorney General. The joint report represents the state's efforts to prevent and control fraud, abuse and errors...

  • Mental Health Waiver Annual Report for April 1, 2014- March 31, 2015 (DSS & DMHAS)

    The Mental Health Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver is designed for adults with serious mental illness who are being discharged or diverted from nursing home care. This Medicaid Waiver provides participants with the medical and psychiatric services and supports necessary to live independently in the community.

  • PovSMI - State Median Income and Federal Poverty Income Guidelines

    Attached are the July 1, 2017 State Median Income Guidelines and the annual and monthly Federal Poverty Income Guidelines for 2017 in the attached document.

  • Preliminary Recommendations on the Implementation of Federal Welfare Reform (245KB)

    HR 3734 extends the FY 1996 15% funding reduction through 2002. The appropriations bill subsequently enacted by Congress however, increased SSBG funding and the state expects to see an approximately 10.7% reduction, not 15%.

  • State Plans

    These plans describe Connecticut’s programs that furnish financial assistance and services to needy families in a manner to fulfill the purposes of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

  • State Plans

    These plans describe Connecticut’s programs that furnish financial assistance and services to needy families in a manner to fulfill the purposes of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

  • TANF_Caseload_Reduction_Report_2017

    The State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services is required to complete and submit annually Form ACF-202, the Caseload Reduction Report for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY), to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, in accordance with federal regulations at 45 CFR 260 et seq.