October 2015

To all Connecticut Businesses:

When worksites support their employees’ goals to breastfeed, everyone wins. Employers are rewarded with reduced absenteeism, lower health care costs, and increased employee loyalty. Mothers and babies receive health benefits, cost savings, and the opportunity to enjoy the special bond of breastfeeding even when separations are necessary.

That’s why we invite you to join the Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition’s (CBC) Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite Project. Your participation can help ensure that Connecticut employers provide supportive workplace policies, comply with Connecticut laws supporting nursing mothers in the workplace, and support healthy babies and moms across the state.

One of the most highly effective preventive measures a mother can take to protect the health of her infant and herself is to breastfeed. In fact, the health benefits of breastfeeding are so well documented that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies be breastfed for at least one year and longer if mother and baby desire. Unfortunately, while most mothers in Connecticut initiate breastfeeding, there is a quick decline in the rate of exclusive breastfeeding and many mothers stop before they are ready.

Encouraging mothers to breastfeed is a key strategy toward improving the health of our state. Compliance with state and federal laws related to worksite lactation accommodation and ensuring breastfeeding friendly worksites will go a long way in helping moms meet their goals for breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is good business for Connecticut, and making your workplace breastfeeding friendly is easy. Resources and application materials to achieve the Connecticut Breastfeeding –Friendly Worksite designation are available at www.breastfeedingct.org. Thank you for your efforts to support healthy babies and moms across Connecticut.


Jewel Mullen, M.D., M.P.H., M.P.A.