
Anopheles quadrimaculatus mosquito


Malaria is spread to people through the bite of infected mosquitoes. This disease, caused by a parasite, is not spread in the United States; however, residents can acquire the disease by traveling to foreign endemic areas. It is found in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and parts of Central and South America. In Connecticut, surveillance is conducted to identify travel-related cases. Treatment is available and is dependent on symptoms and the species of the malaria parasite causing the illness. Although there is medication to help prevent infection with malaria, the best way to prevent getting sick is to prevent mosquito bites.


About Malaria


Where Has Malaria Been Found?


Traveler’s Health

Travel & Malaria

Prevent Bug Bites


Information for Clinicians


Diagnosis & Treatment in the United States

National Surveillance Case Definition


Connecticut Provider Reporting Information

Connecticut Laboratory Reporting Information


Directory of Clinical Testing Services provided by the State Public Health Laboratory

State Public Health Laboratory Contacts – for additional information


Connecticut Malaria Surveillance  

In Connecticut, malaria has been a state-wide reportable disease for over three decades. In Connecticut, surveillance is conducted to identify travel-related cases and contributes to national surveillance. During 2010 - 2018, an average of 17 cases (range 12 to 22) have been reported to the Connecticut Department of Public Health annually.

Connecticut Annual Infectious Diseases Statistics




Page last updated 9/9/2020.