California serogroup arbovirus
Jamestown Canyon virus
California serogroup viruses are a group of viruses spread through bites of infected mosquitoes. Jamestown Canyon (JC) virus is the primary virus of this group found in mosquitoes in Connecticut. JC virus disease rarely occurs in people in Connecticut or the United States. There is no vaccine to prevent or medicine to treat JC virus infection. The best way to prevent getting sick from JC virus is to prevent mosquito bites.
About Jamestown Canyon Virus
Jamestown Canyon virus from the 2019 Mosquito-borne Disease Symposium
Where in the United States Has Jamestown Canyon virus (JC) Been Found?
National Arbovirus Data Summary
Information for Clinicians
National Surveillance Case Definitions
Connecticut Provider Reporting Information
Connecticut Laboratory Reporting Information
Directory of Clinical Testing Services provided by the State Public Health Laboratory
State Public Health Laboratory Contacts – for additional information
Connecticut Jamestown Canyon virus Surveillance
In 2000, encephalitis was added to the state-wide reportable disease list, which included the California serogroup viruses (CSV). Jamestown Canyon is the most common CSV in mosquitoes in Connecticut. Since 2000, one case of JC virus has been reported to the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH).
Connecticut Annual Infectious Diseases Statistics
Additional Resources
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station conducts mosquito trapping and tests for viruses including Jamestown Canyon virus during June to October each year.
Mosquito Trapping and Arbovirus Testing Program
Current Mosquito Testing Results
Past-Years Summaries of Mosquito Testing Results
Identification Guide to the Mosquitoes of Connecticut
Connecticut Mosquito Management Program
Workplace Safety - Mosquito-Borne Diseases NIOSH
This page last updated 11/4/2022.