MONDAY, April 1
Ensuring a Safe, Healthy Home for Your Family: Health and safety begin at home. Make prevention a fun family tradition.
Audio Podcast (7:23, mp3) (transcript): Francesca Provenzano, Supervisor of the Department of Public Health's Lead, Radon and Healthy Homes Programs, talks about the Healthy Homes Program and how you can make your home a healthy one.
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TUESDAY, April 2
Providing a Safe Environment for Children at School: Schools are the perfect setting for improving child health. Plus, children's health is a rallying point few can ignore.
Audio Podcast (7:36, mp3) (transcript): Kenny Foscue, Epidemiologist and Health Educator, talks about the Tools for Schools program and how it helps to keep our children healthy at school.
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Creating a Healthy Workplace: Wellness and safety in the workplace are good for health and for business. Let's make prevention work for us.
Audio Podcast (6:23, mp3) (transcript): Tom St. Louis, Supervisor of the Connecticut Department of Public Health’s Occupational Health Unit, talks about workplace illnesses and injuries.
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Protecting You While You're on the Move: Safety on the go is often in our own hands, but it's also tied to community design. Together, we can turn our streets into roads to better health.
Audio Podcast (3:15, mp3) (transcript): Whether you're in your car, on your bike or walking, public health is on the move with you, helping to protect your health and safety.
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FRIDAY, April 5
Empowering a Healthy Community: Support public health efforts that create healthy opportunities for all. Good health is a community affair.
Audio Podcast (4:49, mp3) (transcript): Department of Public Health Commissioner, Dr. Jewel Mullen, talks about the importance of healthy communities and what you can do to help make your community healthier.
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