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Testing is only way to know if well is contaminated

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 Connecticut Department of Public Health

March 18, 2013                                                             Contact:  William Gerrish

                                                                                      (860) 509-7270



Hartford - The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) today announced it is recommending that private well owners in Connecticut should test their well for arsenic and uranium. These naturally occurring metals are found in groundwater in sporadic locations across the state and can lead to adverse health effects.


“Recent well testing in various towns around Connecticut has found arsenic and uranium,” said DPH Epidemiologist Brian Toal. “While the distribution of contaminated wells has been sporadic, there have been enough findings statewide to prompt recommended testing for both metals in all Connecticut towns.”


Wells should be tested at the time of sale of the home and also when a new well is drilled. Wells should be tested again every 5 years. If levels are found to be higher than state or federal criteria, homeowners have a number of effective treatment options to lower levels of the metals to less concerning levels. The cost for testing for both metals can range between $65-$100.


“The only way to know if these metals are present in your private well is to have your well tested,” Toal said. “Since tests for arsenic and uranium are not usually part of a standard well analysis, homeowners will need to specifically ask labs to analyze for these metals.”


Arsenic and uranium are metals that occur naturally in bedrock all over the world. When groundwater comes in contact with the bedrock, the metals may leach out and contaminate private wells. Both metals are considered toxic and can have a variety of adverse health effects if people are exposed at high enough levels and for a long period of time.


Arsenic is classified as a human cancer-causing agent, which has been associated with increased risk of lung, bladder and skin cancers. The type of uranium found in groundwater is not considered a radioactive risk and is therefore not a major cancer concern. However, the toxicity of the uranium metal has been associated with adverse effects on kidney function.


For more information, including specifics on testing and treatment recommendations, please see the fact sheets below:


Arsenic in Private Drinking Water Wells

What You Need to Know About Uranium in Private Well Water



List of certified environmental laboratories that conduct arsenic and uranium testing


AUDIO: Arsenic and Uranium in Private Wells: An Interview with Brian Toal (mp3) (transcript)