Our Current Work

DPH is working across many climate hazard areas, including the regulation of safe drinking water and vector-borne diseases. In OCH, our current grant work focuses on extreme heat and air quality.

In 2021, DPH was awarded a Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative (CRSCI) grant to implement the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework in Connecticut. In partnership with the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health (YCCCH), our BRACE work aims to build capacity and knowledge for adaptation and resiliency planning at the state and local levels



 OCH is creating a Climate and Health Curriculum in collaboration with local health departments and districts (LHDs). Based on feedback from Local Health Directors, the curriculum will provide information on the connection between climate and health, Connecticut-specific climate concerns, and resiliency strategies that can be implemented at the local level. While intended for LHDs, the Climate and Health Curriculum will be made widely accessible to any interested health professionals. 

Estimated Launch Date: Spring 2025.
 Using mini grants made possible through BRACE funding, the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health (YCCCH) will be partnering with 4 LHDs between 2024 and 2025 to engage in local heat and air quality preparedness and response plans. Although technical assistance resources will be available only to the selected LHDs, we will make all resources and toolkits available online. Timeline: The 2024 LHDs have been selected and work is on track to begin this fall. LHDs will be notified when the second Request for Applications is released – likely in early winter.


Want to Get Involved? 

Join the Climate and Health Equity Coalition! The Coalition provides strategic, technical, and evaluation advice on all aspects of BRACE work, including health equity considerations. Members represent the breadth and depth of climate and health expertise within the state, from state agencies, health care professionals, community advocates, and beyond. We meet quarterly and our next meeting is scheduled for: October 16th. We will then reconvene on January 15, 2025.

Click here to view the Coalition's meeting schedule and additional information.

Attend the next Connecticut Symposium on Climate Change and Health. Each year, DPH and the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health (YCCCH) work together to convene our statewide climate and health community, coming together to share the latest research and evidence on how climate change is impacting health in Connecticut and to discuss best practices on building resilience. This year, we had 170 participants join us virtually. Our sights are set for an even larger event next year. Details on the date, in-person venue, and agenda will be released in early 2025 but please be on the lookout for a Save the Date for early March 2025. 

Looking for Research Resources?

Take a look at our Climate Impact CurriculumThis resource compiles journal articles, state and federal reports, and other documents for reference by the public, academic partners, and state and local officials and policymakers. 


EPA Enhanced Air Quality for Communities: 

DPH received an Enhanced Air Quality for Communities grant from the EPA in 2022. In collaboration with Naugatuck Valley Health District, the Yale School of Public Health, the University of Connecticut, and the Yale-Griffen Prevention Research Center, DPH is facilitating a local air quality project that will collect measurements of PM 2.5 throughout Naugatuck Valley and engage the community through a variety of activities, including educational events during Earth Day and National Asthma Day. 

Work on this EPA grant is targeted to begin in January of 2025. We will continue to update this space with announcements. 


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