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Projects with Adverse Effects on the State's Cultural Resources


Project Number  Program  SHPO Decision Date  Property Address  Project Summary  Proposed Resolution  Historic District  Architect Assigned 
 1301  OORR  04/23/2014  17 Gardner Avenue, Milford
 Reconstruction, home already demolished by homeowner  State Level Documentation  East Broadway NRD  Amaya Architects
 1210  OORR  07/24/2014  60 Sunset Beach Road, Branford  Rehabilitation and elevation of damaged home above the base flood elevation.  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Capital Studio Architects, LLC
 1417  OORR  08/21/2014  7 Orland Street, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation as per individual MOA  Bayshore Historic District  Diversified Technology Consultants
 1237  OORR  10/06/2014  17 Ann Street, Milford  Reconstruction of half the home (destroyed), elevation of whole structure  State Level Documentation  Walnut Beach NRD  Diversified Technology Consultants
 1846  OORR  08/21/2014  3 Marsh Road, Westport  Rehabilitation and elevation of damaged home above the base flood elevation.  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Diversified Technology Consultants
 1170  OORR  11/25/2014  216 Cosey Beach Avenue, East Haven  Hazardous Material Abatement, New Foundations, Alterations Repair and Raising Existing Residence  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Lothrop Associates, LLP
 5022  SSRR  10/09/2014  55 James Street, Milford  Elevation and rehab of existing structure, no impact to any openings, new front porch.  State Level Documentation  Walnut Beach NRD  Lothrop Associates, LLP
 5073  SSRR  08/01/2014  30 Field Court, Milford  Demolition, Elevation & Reconstruction  State Level Documentation  Bayshore Historic distric  Lothrop Associates, LLP
 5088  SSRR  07/10/2014  41 James Street, Milford  Demolition, Elevation & Reconstruction of Modular  State Level Documentation  Walnut Beach District  Lothrop Associates, LLP
 1010  OORR  08/27/2014  19 Stevens Street, East Haven  Demolition of existing substantially damaged home and construction of new residence above the base flood elevation.  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Lothrop Associates, LLP
 1064  OORR  09/11/2014  43 First Avenue, East Haven  Rehabilitation and elevation of damaged home above the base flood elevation.  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Lothrop Associates, LLP
 1699  OORR  11/03/2014  730 Stratford Avenue, Stratford  Home elevation project, selective demolition, new foundation construction, gutter replacement, MEP room construction and MEP equipment relocation.  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District

Martinez Couch & Associates, LLC

 2035  OORR  10/07/2014  8 Third Avenue, Stratford  Concrete building lift in Helical piles + wood framing +wood decking and finishes.  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Martinez Couch & Associates, LLC
 1637  OORR  07/16/2014  15 Mortimer Drive, Old Greenwich  Reimbursement for Elevation/Rebuild  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Merritt Construction Services, LLC
 1197  OORR  01/06/2015  20 Naromake Avenue, Norwalk  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Merritt Construction Services, LLC
 1186  OORR  10/01/2014  30 Westland Avenue, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC
 1266  OORR  09/02/2014  12 Cooper Avenue, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation as per individual MOA  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC
 2206  OORR  01/16/2015  70 Shell Avenue, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC
 1314  OORR  10/07/2014  10 Coolridge Road, Milford  Rehabilitation and elevation of damaged home above the base flood elevation.  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC
 1215  OORR  10/14/2014  13 James Street, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC
 2416  OORR  12/30/2014  2 Scott Street, Milford  Demolition and Reconstruction  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC
 2409  OORR  03/10/2015  83 Cooper Avenue, Milford  Demolition and Reconstruction  State Level Documentation  Contributing resource to a potential Historic District  Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC
 2477  OORR  04/06/2015  39 Sawmill Road, Branford  Reimbursement project - Demolition/construction by applicant prior to applying.  State Level Documentation  Sawmill Road is eligible for listing on NR  Capital Studio Architects, LLC
 2112  OORR  04/10/2015  13 Blair Street, Milford  Elevation only State Level Documentation  Did not specify  Diversified Technology Consultants
 1232  OORR  07/17/2015  812 East Broadway, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  East Broadway  Martinez Couch & Associates, LLC
 2480  OORR  04/10/2015  155 Hillside Avenue, Milford  Elevation only  State Level Documentation  Hillside Avenue HD  Martinez Couch & Associates, LLC
 1962  OORR  05/11/2015  36 Westland Avenue, Milford  Elevation only  State Level Documentation  Potential Historic District  Martinez Couch & Associates, LLC
 1305  OORR  04/02/2015  17 Tremont Street, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Potential Historic District; Report indicates Silver Beach HD  Diversified Technology Consultants
 1095  OORR  02/19/2015  732 East Broadway, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Potential Historic District  Diversified Technology Consultants
 2096  OORR  12/02/2015  12 Point Beach Road, Milford  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Potential Historic District  Martinez Couch & Associates, LLC
 2372  OORR  10/06/2014  9 Cottage Place, Bridgeport  Elevation and Rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  W.D. Bishop Cottage DHD  Capital Studio Architects, LLC
 2503  OORR  12/23/2015  23 Caroline Street, Milford  Reconstruction in floodplain  State Level Documentation  East Broadway Historic District  Martinez, Couch & Associates
 1183  OORR  08/15/2016  9 East Avenue, Milford  Elevation with rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Bayshore National Register District  Martinez, Couch & Associates
 1550  OOM  08/04/2016  858 East Broadway, Milford  Elevation only  State Level Documentation  East Broadway Historic District  Martinez, Couch & Associates
 5057  SSRR  09/30/2015  33 Blair Street, Milford  Elevation with rehabilitation  State Level Documentation  Contributing Resource to a Potential Historic District  Martinez, Couch & Associates