Education Services

24 Wolcott Hill Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone: (860) 692-7537
Fax: (860) 692-7538
Superintendent: Veron Beaulieu

Education continues to be one of the Department's most valuable assets in providing opportunities that will support an offender's successful reintegration back into the community. Education in the CT Department of Correction (DOC) is provided through Unified School District #1 (USD #1). USD #1 is a legally vested school district within the Department of Correction (DOC).

The mission of USD #1 is to provide quality education programs for incarcerated individuals so that they can make a successful transition to society. Academic knowledge, vocational competencies, use of technology and life skills integrated with technology are offered to students in a positive environment to foster life-long learning, multicultural awareness.

Our USD#1 motto is defined by the Latin phrase contained on the District's seal. The phrase, "Non Sum Qualis Eram" translates into English as, "I am not, what I once was." The hope is that through education, incarcerate individuals will be provided with some of the core tools required to change their path in life.

Academic and vocational training is provided to inmates through a variety of programs flexible enough to accommodate a variety of learning styles. Development of the learner's ability to reason and to know where to seek information through the use of technology and traditional means is considered to be as essential as the mastery of facts.


Unified School District #1 Overview

USD #1 Increasing Educator Diversity Plan


Transcripts and Diplomas

If you are looking for a copy of your GED, please complete the GED Transcript Request Form and follow directions on the form.

If you are looking for a copy of your USD #1 High School Diploma or Vocational Certificate please contact (860) 692-7805.

For more information please see our Unified School District #1 Annual Performance Report below or contact:


Superintendent of Schools

Veron Beaulieu


Unified School District 1 Annual Reports:

Additional Resources:

       Easing into Secondary Transition: A Comprehensive Guide to Resources and Services in Connecticut.