Tablets for DOC Inmates
On behalf of the State of Connecticut’s Department of Correction, the Department of Administrative Services signed a contract on April 4, 2019, with JPay Inc., a Securus Technologies company to provide computer tablets to the State’s approximately 10,000 offenders.
New Process for Funding CT DOC Tablet Media Accounts
Effective September 1, 2023, the process for funding CT DOC Tablet Media Accounts will be modified.
All future funding must be completed via the CT DOC Inmate Trust Fund office.
Incarcerated individuals can move funds to their Tablet Media Accounts via the CT DOC - Special Request Form process.
For more information click on the following link:
CT DOC Media Account Information
How to retrieve your funds from Western Union upon release (English)
How to retrieve your funds from Western Union upon release (Spanish)
Answers to some frequently asked questions regarding the "Tablet" contract
For JPay/Securus Customer Care click on the following link:
Tablet e-Messaging Information
As of Tuesday, June 13, 2023 E-messaging is available at ALL Correctional Facilities.
Inmates will only be allowed to contact friends and family members who have set up accounts with JPAY and added the inmate to their approved E-Messaging list.
To set up an e-messaging account go to:
Additional Tablet e-Messaging Information
CT DOC Q & A re: Tablets for the inmate population
Securus Q & A re: Tablets for the inmate population
The Department of Correction’s Tablet Liaison can be reached at the following email address: