Martin Luther King, Jr. Corridor Designation - Request for Information The Department of Banking is seeking applications for the designation of "Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Corridors" to promote secured and unsecured lending in the state with the intention of stimulating economic development within those corridors. More information may be found here. Apply via the DAS CTSouce Bid Board, type DOB-24084 in the search field.

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(CRD No. 1186904)

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  No. ST-09-7305-S

WHEREAS, the Banking Commissioner (the “Commissioner”) is responsible for administering Chapter 672a of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Connecticut Uniform Securities Act (the “Act”) and Sections 36b-31-2 et seq. of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies promulgated under the Act (the “Regulations”);

WHEREAS, Lane Capital Markets LLC (“LCM”) of 2425 Post Road, Suite 205, Southport, Connecticut has been registered as a broker-dealer under the Act since February 26, 2002;

WHEREAS, on May 18, 2009, Martin Scott Sands (“Martin Sands”), an individual having no previous affiliation with LCM, filed with the Commissioner an application for registration as a broker-dealer agent of LCM pursuant to Sections 36b-7 and 36b-32 of the Act;

WHEREAS, the Commissioner, through the Securities and Business Investments Division (the “Division”) of the Department of Banking has conducted an investigation of Martin Sands pursuant to Section 36b-8 of the Act;

WHEREAS, as a result of such investigation, the Division ascertained that, on November 29, 2004, the Commissioner entered a Consent Order Conditioning Registration as an Investment Adviser Agent and Restricting Securities-Related Activities (the “Restricting Consent Order”) (File No. CO-04-7093-S) with respect to Martin Sands, which Restricting Consent Order remains in effect;

WHEREAS, the Restricting Consent Order recited that 1) on December 18, 2003, the New York Stock Exchange censured Martin Sands, fined him $50,000 and imposed on him a four month bar from membership, allied membership, approved person status and employment or association in any capacity with any member or member organization (No. 03-222) , based on allegations that Martin Sands had purchased options in a particular stock for the benefit of members of his family before the completion of an order by a customer to buy 1 million shares of that stock, and that Martin Sands knew, or was reckless in not knowing, that a significant portion of the customer's order had not been completed; and 2) in October 2000, the New York Stock Exchange censured Martin Sands, fined him $50,000 and suspended him for three months from all supervisory positions and responsibilities (No. HPD 00-174) based upon allegations that Martin Sands violated Exchange Rule 342 by failing to reasonably discharge his supervisory duties as president and co-chairman of the board of Sands Brothers & Co., Ltd. (CRD number 26816);

WHEREAS, as a result of such investigation, the Division also ascertained that, Martin Sands had been the subject of complaints arising from his prior association with Sands Brothers & Co., Ltd., a broker-dealer firm in which he held a controlling interest and of which he was co-owner;

WHEREAS, the above described New York Stock Exchange sanctions would, if proven, support the initiation of administrative proceedings under Section 36b-15(a)(2)(F)(iii) of the Act to restrict or impose conditions on the securities or investment advisory activities that Martin Sands may perform in this state;

WHEREAS, Martin Sands neither admits nor denies that the allegations described above would support administrative proceedings under Section 36b-15 of the Act;

WHEREAS, LCM agrees to this Stipulated Agreement solely as a condition to its employment of Martin Sands as a broker-dealer agent in this state, and understands that this Stipulated Agreement does not constitute a finding by the Commissioner of a violation of any provision of the Act or any regulation or order under the Act by LCM, nor shall it operate as a restriction or limitation on the securities or investment advisory activities of LCM in the State of Connecticut;

WHEREAS, Martin Sands and LCM voluntarily agree to waive any right to a hearing upon the issuance of this Stipulated Agreement, and waive the right to seek judicial review or otherwise challenge or contest the validity of this Stipulated Agreement;


1) During the term of his association with LCM, Martin Sands shall not act as a general securities principal supervising sales activities on behalf of LCM, be involved in the day-to-day compliance/sales supervision of other LCM agents, or supervise himself;
2) During the term of his association with LCM, Martin Sands shall not be supervised by Steven Brett Sands (CRD number 730742);
3) During the term of his association with LCM, Martin Sands’ securities activities in and from Connecticut shall be supervised by the compliance officer of LCM.  Should such compliance officer leave the employ of LCM or otherwise be unable to perform the supervisory obligations described in this paragraph, LCM shall notify the Division Director in writing concerning the identity of the successor compliance officer within five business days following the prior compliance officer’s cessation of supervisory activities with respect to Martin Sands;
4) For three years, commencing on the date this Stipulated Agreement is signed by the Commissioner, LCM shall notify the Division Director promptly concerning any reportable disciplinary actions, including, without limitation, pending regulatory investigations and inquiries, involving Martin Sands, by filing the appropriate amendments to Martin Sands’ Form U-4 or Form U-5, as required by rules of the SEC, FINRA, and/or provisions of the Act and Regulations.  LCM shall concurrently file a copy of any sales-related securities complaints or other reportable actions involving Martin Sands directly with the Division Director.  In addition, LCM shall file a copy of any securities-related written reprimands, censures or warnings issued by LCM to Martin Sands;
5) Execution of this Stipulated Agreement by the Commissioner is without prejudice to the right of the Commissioner to take enforcement action against Martin Sands based upon a violation of this Stipulated Agreement or the basis for its entry if the Commissioner determines that compliance is not being observed with the terms hereof or if any representation made by or on behalf of Martin Sands and reflected herein or in his application for agent registration is subsequently discovered to be untrue;
6) Nothing in this Stipulated Agreement shall be construed as limiting the Commissioner's ability to take enforcement action against Martin Sands based upon evidence of which the Division was unaware on the date hereof relating to a violation of the Act or any regulation or order under the Act or supporting the initiation of proceedings under Section 36b-15 of the Act;
7) After three years have elapsed from the date this Stipulated Agreement is signed by the Commissioner, LCM may request that the Commissioner release it and Martin Sands from the provisions of this Stipulated Agreement by filing a written application with the Division Director setting forth the basis for the request. The Division Director shall review the request and make a decision based on the Director’s review. The Division Director may, at the sole discretion of the Division Director, grant, deny or condition the relief sought pursuant to this paragraph;
8) Pursuant to Section 36b-8 of the Act, the name “Martin Scott Sands” shall be and is hereby entered on the Register of Broker-dealer Agents; and
9) This Stipulated Agreement shall become binding when executed by all parties hereto.

, the undersigned have executed this Stipulated Agreement on the dates indicated.

            Howard F. Pitkin
            Banking Commissioner

Dated at Hartford, Connecticut
this 11th day of June 2009.

I, Martin Scott Sands, being duly sworn, do state that I agree voluntarily and without threat or coercion of any kind to this Stipulated Agreement Conditioning Registration as a Broker-dealer Agent, voluntarily waiving any right to a hearing on the matters described herein.

  Martin Scott Sands

Subscribed and sworn to before me 
this 9th day of June 2009.

Notary Public/Commissioner of the Superior Court
My Commission Expires:  11-30-2010

I, John D. Lane, President and Chief Executive Officer of Lane Capital Markets LLC, state on behalf of that entity that I have read the foregoing Stipulated Agreement Conditioning Registration as a Broker-dealer Agent with respect to Martin Scott Sands ; that I know and fully understand its contents; that I am authorized to execute the same on behalf of Lane Capital Markets LLC; and that Lane Capital Markets LLC agrees freely and without threat or coercion of any kind to comply with the terms and conditions stated herein with respect to Martin Scott Sands , expressly waiving any right to a hearing on the matters described herein.

       Lane Capital Markets LLC

By    _________/s/__________________
       John D. Lane
       President and Chief Executive Officer

On this 8th day of June 2009, personally appeared John D. Lane, signer of the foregoing Stipulated Agreement Conditioning Registration as a Broker-dealer Agent with respect to Martin Scott Sands, who, being duly sworn, did acknowledge to me that he was authorized to execute the same on behalf of Lane Capital Markets LLC and acknowledged the same to be his free act and deed, before me.

Notary Public/Commissioner of the Superior Court
My Commission Expires:  June 30, 2012

Conditional Registrations