Press Releases


Survey Underway to Assess Availability of Food Storage and Meal Preparation Sites in Connecticut

HARTFORD, CT – The Connecticut Department of Agriculture, in partnership with other state and local agencies, is surveying various entities on their willingness to collaborate with local emergency food distribution agencies (e.g.; local food pantry) who are seeking additional food storage space and meal preparation services for home-bound individuals and families.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for emergency food provided by food pantries has far exceeded the storage capacity of most locations throughout the state. This has resulted in pantries limiting the amount of food they can accept through donations and state food banks. This in turn limits the pantries from sufficiently serving people at-risk of food insecurity. There is also a growing need for prepared meals for home-bound individuals and therefore companies willing to produce those meals.

Please answer the survey below to help us inventory potential food storage, meal preparation, and redistribution options throughout Connecticut. Completion of this form does not obligate your future participation.

Click here to complete the survey.