News and Announcements


In accordance with the provisions of Section 4-168(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection hereby gives notice that it proposes to adopt multiple regulations concerning:

  1. E9-1-1 Funding Regulations ( )
  2. PSAP Establishment and Operation ( )
  3. Emergency Telecommunicator Training and Certification ( )
  4. 9-1-1 Service Utilization Plan ( )

The proposed regulations are available for viewing and downloading by clicking on the links shown above.  There will be an in-person public hearing held regarding Item #1 above, the “E9-1-1 Funding Regulations”, in Room 245 of the department’s headquarters, 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, Connecticut, on November 28, 2018 from 10:00 A.M. to Noon.   Written comments on Item #1 will also be accepted until 4:30 P.M. on November 28, 2018.

Additionally, all interested persons are invited to submit written comments regarding Items #2, #3 and #4 above no later than 12:00 A.M. on November 20, 2018. Such comments may be posted in the eRegulations section of the Secretary of the State’s webpage ( .  Detailed directions for filing such written comments are found in the “Notice of Intent” posted for each of the proposals listed and linked above.

Text-to-911 Update

AT&T technicians have completed PSAP site visits to install and test Text-to-911 software. DSET is preparing publicity for the roll-out of the Text-to-911 service, and PSAPs will be advised well in advance of that date.

PSAPs will find the link to the online training in the email DSET has sent to each PSAP Director. We strongly advise that all telecommunicators take this training as soon as possible. This will allow time to become familiar with the features, and address any questions telecommunicators may have. Please note: in the training module, when asked which text delivery method is used, select MSRP.

Reminder: the mandatory training compliance form emailed to your PSAP must be completed and returned to DSET no later than July 13, 2018.

On the right side of this page, you will find links to the Additional Information referred to in the email to your PSAP.

If you have any questions regarding Text-to-911, please contact:

Nancy Carter Simon, AT&T Instructor, 860-989-3170


Peter Lucco, 860-685-8155, Division of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications

10-Digit Emergency Numbers at PSAPs

There are two types of 10-digit emergency numbers that PSAPs are familiar with. One type are the "fallout numbers" that PSAPs identified out of their existing telephone lines in their PSAP or implemented as new lines during the NG911 rollout. These "fallout numbers" are specifically for the use of the NG911 system to deliver a 9-1-1 call to a PSAP when no network path is available to that PSAP from the NG911 core, and are similar in concept to one type of default routing that was provided from the legacy E9-1-1 selective routers.

The second type of 10-digit emergency number are those used so that PSAPs can receive emergency calls from other PSAPs, including out-of-state PSAPs; and so that Central Station alarm companies can deliver their emergency alarm activation notifications to the correct Connecticut PSAP; and finally to provide a default route for telephone companies - both wireless and wireline - to be able to deliver a 9-1-1 call to a PSAP when they cannot get their customer's 9-1-1 calls into our network core for delivery.

PSAPs are required to have both of these types of 10-digit emergency numbers. Both of these types of 10-digit numbers must ring directly into the PSAP as an emergency call. They cannot be answered by an auto-attendant recording that requires the caller to take any additional action, such as pressing "0". Because of the 9-1-1 re-route potential for these lines, PSAPs cannot make the assumption that the caller will be able to "overdial" any digits, or will be able to comply with the instructions of the auto-attendant. Many of our PSAPs have recently made changes to their in-house telephone systems, or are contemplating changes in the near future. We ask all PSAPs to ensure that these requirements are met in the configuration of their local phone system.

Next Generation 911 System Reports and Training

DSET is pleased to announce the completion of the NG911 call handling component at each of the PSAPs across the state. The new system includes many detailed reports, which are available to system administrators and supervisors. Additionally, you are now able to email the completed reports to an email address of your choice. In the same way that locally-printed reports can be in Adobe pdf format, XML format or in Microsoft Excel format, reports sent as email attachments can also be in those formats. This means, for example, that you can email an Excel spreadsheet of your data to yourself, and run your own analysis, produce graphs and charts that meet your needs, and do any other customized spreadsheet analysis that you might wish to do.

DSET has sent an email attachment to all PSAP Directors with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to run the Call Volume per Range of Time Report. This is the same report which DSET uses and reports on at E9-1-1 Commission meetings. If you have not done so already, we strongly advise that administrators and supervisors attend AT&T System Administrator Training. To register for training, or for assistance with running the reports, please contact Peter Lucco in DSET at 860-685-8155.

CT Alert

The addition of the Community Engagement Module has made it easier to opt-in to receive alerts:

CT Alert Poster

Voiance Language Services Replaces Language Line

In 2016, the State of Connecticut’s contracted interpretation service provider was changed to Voiance Language Services. The dedicated number to access the services is: 1-844-514-0030.

PSAP dedicated PIN Numbers and the procedures on how to access Voiance, were mailed to each PSAP. If you have questions please contact or 860-685-8031.

Restrictions for use remain in effect, specifically: DSET will not pay for any translation services that are not directly related to a 9-1-1 call. Your town may choose to purchase additional translation services directly through Voiance.

Voiance Information Sheet