Provide Input to the CT Wildlife Action Plan

The scarlet tanager is listed as a species of greatest conservation need for the 2025 Wildlife Action Plan.

A Wildlife Action Plan identifies species of greatest conservation need, their affiliated habitats, and the threats they face. The Wildlife Action Plan then prioritizes conservation actions and research needs to address problems facing these species and habitats. Creating a Wildlife Action Plan that is approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service allows various organizations to apply for specific federal funding to implement conservation actions outlined in the Plan. Connecticut completed its first Wildlife Action Plan in 2005 (then called a Comprehensive Wildlife Strategy), revised it in 2015, and with 2025 rapidly approaching, DEEP is now in the process of revising it again to set the framework for conservation until 2035.

Learn about the history of the CT Wildlife Action Plan.

Connecticut's Wildlife Action Plan

The intent of the CT Wildlife Action Plan is to provide guidance and vision for wildlife conservation in Connecticut. Accordingly, the plan:

  1. Addresses the broad array of all fish, mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, plant, and invertebrate species.
  2. Addresses the species in greatest need of conservation and their habitats.
  3. Identifies actions needed to maintain species diversity and keep common species common.
  4. Builds upon past efforts to help wildlife species.
  5. Encourages participation and partnerships with conservation organizations at local, state, and regional levels to enhance opportunities for implementation of actions to help wildlife.

How You Can Get Involved!

Since November 2023, CT DEEP has been posting surveys on this website to get your thoughts on each aspect of the Wildlife Action Plan. You will have opportunities to provide feedback throughout the entire process – from start to finish – including draft chapters and the completed draft in 2025. So far, we have collected public input through surveys about our draft lists of Species of Greatest Conservation Need and Habitats, Issues, and Actions. Please check back here for the next opportunity for public input! These opportunities are also mentioned in our Wildlife Highlights Newsletter.

You can also spread the word about our Wildlife Action Plan and all the species and habitats it protects! Feel free to share our CT Wildlife Action Plan Info Sheet.

Content last updated on December 12, 2024.