Full CCSMM Meetings and Materials
The full Connecticut Coalition for Sustainable Materials Management meets quarterly to discuss ways to reduce the amount of waste that is generated in the state of Connecticut; improve reuse, recycling, and organics collection; support Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) efforts; and explore other innovative sustainable materials management solutions.
Past Meetings and Materials:
January 14, 2025 September 19, 2023 March 6, 2023- Meeting Minutes
- DEEP Presentation on Current Waste Efforts
- DEEP Opening Slide Presentation and SMM Grant Update
- CET Slide Presentation
- Agenda
- DEEP Slide Presentation
- Meeting Minutes
- CET - ReduceWasteCT Slides
- Meriden Co-Collection Slides
- Wilton Warriors Won't Waste Slides
- Environmental Justice & Environmental Equity Presentation - presenter Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network
- Zoom link
- Meeting Minutes
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Main DEEP Presentation - presenters Katie Dykes, DEEP Commissioner; Laura Francis, First Selectman, Town of Durham; Matt Knickerbocker, First Selectman, Town of Bethel
- Outreach and Education - Best Practices: Three Levels - presenter Cyril John ("CJ") May, Waterbury Refuse/Recycling Coordinator
- Textiles Recycling in Middletown - presenter Kim O'Rourke, Middletown Recycling Coordinator
- Housatonic Resources Recovery (HRRA) Glass Collection Pilot Program - presenter Jennifer Heaton Jones, HRRA Executive Director
- Zoom link for recording of September 8th CCSMM Kick-Off Meeting