Hunting Licenses and Permits

Hunting and fishing licenses, stamps, and permits can be purchased 24/7 on the DEEP’s Online Outdoor Licensing System. These items can also be purchased at outdoor equipment retailers and some town halls (please check with your local town hall to find out about availability or any restrictions) and select DEEP offices.

2024 Hunting License and Permit Information
2025 Hunting License and Permit Information
Hunting and fishing licenses purchased through CT's Online Outdoor Licensing System are signed electronically at the time of purchase, allowing you to keep a digitally signed copy on your smartphone instead of needing to have a signed, printed copy! Licenses purchased through a license agent location must still be printed and signed to be valid. 
DEEP Offices Open for License Sales
  • DEEP License and Revenue (Hartford; directions): Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM -4:30 PM (except holidays)
  • Wildlife Division’s Sessions Woods WMA (Burlington; directions): Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 4:00 PM (except holidays)
  • Wildlife Division's Franklin Swamp WMA (North Franklin; directions): Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 4:00 PM (except holidays)
  • DEEP Western District Headquarters (Watertown - at Black Rock State Park; get directions): Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 4:00 PM (except holidays)
  • DEEP Eastern District Headquarters (Marlborough; directions): Monday - Friday, from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM (except holidays)
  • Marine District Headquarters (Old Lyme; directions): Monday - Friday, from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (closed from 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM)(except holidays).

Changes occurred to HIP permits purchased through third-party license vendors. Learn how the changes affect you. There are no changes if you purchase your HIP permit through DEEP's Online Outdoor Licensing System.  

Permit Applications and Forms

Links to all DEEP Permits and Licenses


Content last updated in November 2024.