Projects | Results | Agency Acronyms

DEEP and Interagency Lean Projects

July/October 2018 - Self-Facilitated Projects

  • CT Environmental Policy Act (Mini-Lean interagency DEEP, DOT, OPM, DAS, DECD)
  • Pre-Application Permit (Mini-Lean DEEP)

October 2017 - Self-Facilitated Project

  • Site Case Management System Enforcement (Mini-Lean DEEP)
June 2016 - Lean XXVI Projects
  • MMCA Records Management including Taxonomy and Retention Schedules (Mini-Lean DEEP)
  • Information Line Referral Process (OEC)
February 2016 - Lean XXV Projects
  • Qualified Professional Engineer ("QPE") Auditing Process (DEEP)
  • Talent Office Educator Preparation (CSDE)
  • Purchasing Process (Board of Regents)
  • Hazardous and Biomedical Waste Transporter Registrations (Mini-Lean DEEP)
October 2015 - Lean XXIV Projects
  • Streamlining Air Emissions Compliance Audit Process (DEEP)
  • Scholarship Assistance Fund Process for Early Childhood Professionals (Office of Early Childhood Development/Interagency)
  • SIMS Permitting Data Entry and SOPs (Mini-Lean DEEP)
May 2015 - Lean XXIII Projects
  • Streamlining Financing for EE Investments at Multi-Family Properties (DEEP/Interagency)
  • MMCA Subscriber Agreement Process for EzFile and Net DMR (Mini-Lean DEEP)
  • E-Construction Projects (DOT)
January 2015 - Lean XXII Projects
  • Medicaid Eligibility Determination and Enrollment for Shared Population (DOC, DSS, DMHAS, DDS)
  • Solid Waste Facility Individual Permit Modifications and Renewals (DEEP)
  • Water Enforcement Consent Order Closure Process (Mini-Lean DEEP)
October 2014 - Lean XXI Projects
  • Seasonal Employment Process (DEEP)
  • Brownfield Process Improvement (DEEP, DECD)
  • Medicare/Medicaid Provider Enrollment Process (DMHAS, DSS)
April 2014 - Lean XX Projects
  • External Hiring Process (DMHAS)
  • E-Waste Recycler Application Review and Approval Process (DEEP)
  • Path to Paperless Document Management (DEEP)
January 2014 - Lean XIX Projects
  • Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Process (DEEP, DPH)
  • Complaint Process - Fraud Division (DCP)
  • Optimization of State Hatchery Production (DEEP)
October 2013 - Lean XVIII  Projects
  • Electric Vehicle Installation of State Facilities (DEEP, DAS, DOT, UCONN)
  • DEEP Owned Public Water Supply Wells - Sampling & Inspection Program (DEEP)
  • DEEP Preparing Inspection Reports for Wastewater Discharge Compliance Investigations (Mini-Lean DEEP)
September  2013 - Self-Facilitated Project
  • Project Plans & Specification Tracking & Review Streamlining (DEEP)
May  2013 - Lean XVII  Projects
  • IT Procurement Process Involvement (DEEP, DECD, DOT, DAS) 
  • Response/Cost Recovery (DEEP)
  • Statewide Customer Intake Process (DEEP, DECD, CI, CERC)
April  2013 - Self-Facilitated Project
  • Optimizing Municipal NPDES In-House Review and Processing (DEEP)
January  2013 - Lean XVI  Projects
  • Low Emission Vehicle - Jump Start (DEEP) 
  • Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Permitting Review (DEEP)
  • Regulatory Reform to Encourage Beneficial Use & Recycling (DEEP) 
September 2012 - Lean XV  Projects
  • Financial Assurance:  Agency-wide Document Management, Review and Accounting (DEEP) 
  • CT Siting Council Agency-wide Improvements for Managing Dockets: Staff and Council Work-flow Process (CSC)
August 2012 - Self-Facilitated Projects
  • DEEP-BETP Weatherization Assistance Program / Home Energy Solutions Integration (DEEP)
  • RSR Improvement Project (DEEP)
May 2012 - Lean XIV  Projects
  • PURA Docket Management System (DEEP) 
  • OLISP Certificate of Permission (DEEP) 
  • UST Clean-Up Program (DEEP) 
February 2012 - Lean XIII  Projects
  • Building Construction Projects (DEEP, DCS) 
  • Inquiry Routing and Responses (DEEP) 
  • Customer Service Call Center (DEEP)
January 2012 - Lean XII  Projects
  • Renewable Portfolio Standards Compliance Process (DEEP)
  • State Building Energy Information Management (DEEP)
  • State Traffic Commission Permit Process (DEEP, DOT, DECD)
October 2011 - Lean XI  Projects
  • 3(i) Approvals and Permit Determinations for Wastewater Discharges
  • Short Process Permits
  • Dam Safety Permits
May 2011 - Lean X Projects
  • Environmental Performance Metrics
  • Hazardous Waste Manifests
  • Optimizing Municipal NPDES Permit Renewal Processing
January 2011 - Lean IX Projects
  • Audit Confirmation Process for Town and Non-Profits Fund Disbursements
  • New Source Review Permit Review Process
  • Underground Storage Tank Notice of Violation Tracking
November 2010 - Lean VIII Projects
  • Improve Coordination of Publications
  • Improving DEEP's Potable Water Program Processes
  • Industrial Stormwater General Permit On-line Registrations
  • SIMS Permitting Data Entry Standard Operating Procedures
May 2010 - Lean VII Projects
  • Air Quality Monitoring Data Acquisition Improvement
  • Office of Adjudications: Evaluate/Revise Permit Hearing Procedures and Rules of Practice
  • Solid Waste Facility Individual Permits
  • Surplus Property Review Process Standardization
January 2010 - Lean VI Projects
  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic X-Ray Device Registration and Radioactive Materials and Industrial Devices
  • Improvement in NDDB Species Review Request Processing
  • State Forest Management Planning
October 2009 – Lean V Projects
  • Evaluate & Review Selected DEP Health & Safety Activities
  • Evaluate the Review and Approval Process Used for Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Repairs & Upgrades
  • SIMS Enforcement Data Entry Standard Operating Procedures

May 2009 – Lean IV Projects

  • NPDES Permit Processing Coordination
  • Re-Evaluation of the Title V Major Source Inspection Process
  • Clean Water Fund Agreements
February 2009 – Lean III Projects
  • Transition from Teaching Boating Safety Education to Testing
  • Evaluation of the Improvements to the Environmental Land Use Control (ELUR) Application Process
  • Evaluation of the Improvements to the Requisition and Purchasing Workflow Process
October and December 2008 – Lean II Projects
  • Improvement in Solid Waste Enforcement Program
  • Evaluation of the Storage Tank Compliance Inspection Process
  • Inland Water Resources Division Permit Sufficiency Review Team
  • Statewide Fish Distribution – Quinebaug Hatchery
June 2008 – Lean I Projects
  • Major Source Air Permit Modeling
  • Evaluation of the Water Permit and Enforcement Programs  
  • Improvement in the Office of Long Island Sound Program Permit Processing Timeframes

Examples of Results from LEAN Events

Date of LEAN Event
Project/Event Name
Brief Description/
Overall Goal
Pre-Implementation Measure
Post-Implementation Result
Total Improvement or Implementation Plan Progress (as a %)

January 6-10, 2014

Optimization of State Fish Hatchery Production

Maintain statewide production goals (size and quantity) for all cultured salmonids and enhance the quality of cultured fish products at all three state owned hatcheries (Burlington, Kensington, and Quinebaug).

Reduce predatory loss of fish at Burlington Hatchery by 50%.

Site improvements under way at Burlington; funding opportunities to reduce predation at other hatcheries identified.

50% reduction expected in fish mortality from bird predation at Burlington

Improve physical appearance of fish by 50%.

Design fish quality assessment protocol, transfer of fish to under -utilized ponds, reduce crowding in tanks, improve flow to design at Quinebaug Hatchery.

100 % complete - Quality protocol identified and implemented.



October 21-25, 2013

Interagency Electric Vehicle Installation of State Facilities

Increase efficiency and reduce the time it takes to purchase and install EV charges at state agencies. Create standard operating procedures for this process by creating guidelines for state agencies.

Create "Range of Confidence Index" including number of charging stations installed at state agencies (0 stations at state agencies)

Since November, 2013, number of charging stations installed at state facilities (13 stations at state agencies)

13 new EV charging stations

Number of charging stations for coverage statewide (161 stations)

Since November 2013, 71 additional stations came on-line. (67 proposed future stations funded by EVConnecticut)

44% improvement

October 21-25, 2013 Interagency & Intra-agency DEEP Owned Public Water Supply Wells – Sampling and Inspection Program Efficiently manage the DEEP owned Public Water Supplies across the state by sharing the responsibilities across the Agency. Establish SOPs for the program, investigate options for efficiency including sampling, costs, inspections, violations, corrective actions, reporting and communication.

Reduce wells out of compliance from 25% to 0% (sanitary survey results for DPH).

The percentage of wells/systems with significant deficiencies have been upgraded and corrective actions taken to reduce wells out of compliance from 25% to 15%.

40% improvement

Reduce percent of failing public water supply systems from 25% to 2%.

Percentage of public water systems with water quality issues, mainly total coliform bacteria, has been reduced to 14%

44% reduction

Complete an inventory of all DEEP owned wells and geo-locate wells.

A comprehensive inventory of wells/systems has been compiled.

Geo-locating of wells in the field has been initiated, consolidating historical sources of information on wells.



100% improvement

40% complete

October 21-25, 2013

DEEP Preparing Inspection Reports for Wastewater Discharge Compliance Investigations (Mini-Lean 3 days)

Reduce inspection report preparation time by 50% to 30 days or less (on average taking 60 days)

Improve tracking of inspection report completion and efficiency of document management capabilities.

Average time to complete an inspection report was approx. 60 days.

Average time to complete an inspection report today is 4.3 days.

93% reduction

May 6-10, 2013

Intra-agency Response/Cost Recovery

Focus on internal intra-agency work process including case initiation, evidence collection, case preparation and update internal transmission process from Emergency Response (ERU) Division to Cost Recovery (CR) program in Finance Division.

Case preparation, review and referral from ERU to CR from 5 months to within 2 months.

Case preparation, review and referral from ERU to CR now averaging 1 month.

80% improvement

Reimbursement (payment) to department vendors within 2-4 months.

Reimbursement (payment) to department vendor now within 1-2 months.

63% improvement

May 14-18, 2012

Evaluation Underground Storage Tank (UST) Petroleum Clean-Up Program

In light of new legislative requirements, 1) conduct value stream mapping of the claim processing and payment process; 2) identify non-value added activities and legal issues raised by legislative changes concerning processing and paying claims; 3) revise and develop claim processing and payment SOPs; and4)develop outreach materials for applicants and public.

Streamline payment process after auction for applicants that elect to receive payments (12 months)

Payments are processed within 1 month if funding is available.

92% reduction

Improve speed of claim review and approval (6-9 months)

Claims are reviewed within 2-3 months

67% reduction

Improve frequency of issuance of decision letters (monthly basis) Decision letters issued on weekly basis. 75% reduction

May 14-18, 2012

Office of Long Island Sound Programs Certificate of Permission (COP)

To evaluate the existing COP permitting process and determine areas where the process can be improved, and to create a plan to implement those improvements moving forward.

Average processing time for COP applications within 63 days.

Average processing time is 37 days

41% reduction in processing time

May 14-18, 2012

DEEP Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) Docket Management System

Map the business requirement processes of the DEEP's PURA Lotus Notes Docket/Case Management System and Identify opportunities to streamline business process and automate system for customers using the IBM Case Manager Software.

Streamline certification forms for renewable energy sources for Class I, II and III.

(average processing time for Class I certifications 86.2 days)

Average processing time for Class I certifications 42.5 days.

51% reduction

Develop decision templates for types of cases PURA commonly handles that are less complicated.

Templates developed for 9 different types of cases

(accounts for approximately 50% of all PURA cases)



50% improvement

Streamline approval process for number of standard, time-sensitive PURA Dockets.

Saved 1-3 days for interrogatory approval process.

Saved 3-4 days on consent calendar process.

5-10 % reduction in average processing time PURA case.

Oct 17-21, 2011

Short Process Permit Improvements

Streamline 3 permit processes to create standard work practices and timely issuance of permits through automation and e-government.

Waste Transporter Permits - maintain timely renewals issued within regulatory timeframe (120days)

20 days

83% reduction

Marine Terminals Permits – reduce processing time from 90 days to issue permits

79 days

12% reduction

Marine Terminals Permits - reduce frequency of renewal submittals

1 year to 3 years

67% reduction

Aquatic Pesticides Permits - reduce processing time from 90 to 30 days to issue

24 days

73% reduction

Oct 17-21, 2011

Wastewater Treatment System Modification Approval Process - 3(i) Approvals

Reduce processing times of 3(i) requests by 80% and develop a tracking program to track and manage each request.

3(i)(3) approval processing times averaged 47 days.

3(i)(3) approval processing times averaged 10 days.

78% reduction

3(i)(2) approval processing times averaged 30 days.

3(i)(2) approval processing times averaged 5 days.

83 % reduction

Oct. 17–21, 2011

Dam Safety Permits

Reduce the average processing times for obtaining a dam safety permit

Average processing time for Individual Permits is 240 calendar days.

Average Processing Time for Individual Permits is now 190 calendar days.

21 % reduction

Agency Acronyms

CERC = Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc. (non-profit corporation)
CI = Connecticut Innovations, Inc. (quasi-public agency)
CSC = Connecticut Siting Council
DAS = Department of Administrative Services
DCP = Department of Consumer Protection
DCS = Division of Construction Services (DAS)
DDS = Department of Social Services
DECD = Department of Economic & Community Development
DEEP = Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
DMHAS = Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
DOC = Department of Corrections
DOT = Department of Transportation
DPH = Department of Public Health
DSS =  Department of Social Services
UCONN = University of Connecticut

For further information on DEEP LEAN Projects, please contact Nicole Lugli by e-mail or by phone at 860-424-3611.

Content Last updated January 2, 2019