Forest Fire
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The majority of wildfires in Connecticut are human-caused by improper burning of debris, arson, campfires, discarded wood ashes, and equipment.
The Rural Fire Council meets twice per year, and has been instrumental with collecting data, making important suggestions and connections, and has provided support to the Forest Protection Program.
Forest Fire Weather Information and Danger Explanations
Information on Connecticut Fire Weather, list-serv, and fire season.
Volunteer Fire Assistance Program is a grant for rural fire protection.
The DEEP Division of Forestry's Forest Protection Program provides support to local fire departments for wildlife incidents and loans out a Smokey Bear suit for fire education events.
Connecticut utilizes SFA funds for dry hydrant installation grant.
Connecticut District Fire Wardens are the liaison between Forest Protection and Fire Departments.
Connecticut forest fire videos on dry hydrants and hand line construction, and information on training opportunities.
How to report a wildfire in Connecticut.
Volunteer Fire Assistance Program is a grant for rural fire protection.
Connecticut Interstate Fire Crew
Connecticut Interstate Fire Crew information and how to sign up.
Information on Forest Protection staff and program.
Connecticut utilizes SFA funds for dry hydrant installation grant.
Fire Grants, Training, and Programs
Information on grants available to fire departments, training, prevention, and support provided by forest protection.