Notices to Fishermen


November 26: Commercial Summer Flounder Fishery Closure--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, December 1, 2024, the Connecticut landing limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder will be reduced to zero pounds. Open the notice for details.

November 19: Quota Managed Species Meeting Notice--A meeting of seafood dealers and commercial fishermen that harvest quota-managed species has been scheduled for 2pm, Monday, December 2, 2024, at the DEEP Marine Headquarters, Boating Education Center. Open the notice for details.

November 15: ASMFC Atlantic Striped Bass Board Meeting-- Scheduled for December 16 to consider changes to 2025 management measures. Informational webinar to be held December 5 with public comment deadline set for December 10. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board will meet in-person and via webinar on Monday, December 16, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 2;00 p.m. to consider changing 2025 management measures to increase the probability of rebuilding the stock by the 2029 deadline. Open the notice for details. 

November 15: Commercial Black Sea Bass Fishery Possession Limit Increase--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, November 17, 2024, the commercial harvest of black sea bass will be 2,500lb per weekly period for endorsement letter holders. Open the notice for details.

October 17: Federal Dealer Reporting Guidance and Reminders--Federally-permitted dealer reporting requirements. Open the notice for details.

September 27: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Changes-- Effective Sunday, September 29, 2024 new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut's commercial black sea bass and summer flounder fisheries. Effective Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the Winter II commercial possession limit for scup will be in effect. Open the notice for details.

September 11: ASMFC Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Draft Addendum XXXV for Public Comment--The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board approved for public comment Draft Addendum XXXV to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass.  Two public hearings to gather public input on Draft Addendum XXXV have been scheduled: one for the New England and Mid-Atlantic states (MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ) and one for the more southern states (MD, VA, NC). Both hearings will be conducted via webinar. Regardless of your state of residence, you are welcome to participate in either virtual hearing. See the attached ASMFC notice for hearing details. Open the notice for details.

September 5: Notice of Aquaculture Proposal within Long Island Sound Blue Plan Policy Area--DEEP Fisheries has been notified of a project proposed within the Long Island Sound Blue Plan Policy Area in the Madison Tuxis depuration area. Open the notice for details.

September 4: ASMFC American Lobster Draft Addendum XXXI Public Hearing--Monday, September 23, 2024. Open the notice for details.

August 29: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Increases--Effective 0001 hours, Saturday, August 31, 2024, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut's commercial black sea bass and scup fisheries. Open the notice for details.

August 26: Notice to Lobster Fishermen--Fall Season Closure Reminder. Open the notice for details.

August 14: Commercial Scup Fishery Possession Limit Increase-- Effective 0001 hours, Friday, August 16, 2024, the possession limit for scup license endorsement holders increases to 2,000lb. Open the notice for details.

August 9: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, September 6-30 and October 7-31, 2024. Open the notice for details.

July 29: Commercial Scup Fishery Possession Limit Increase--Effective 0001 hours, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, the possession limit for scup license endorsement holders increases to 1,500lb. Open the notice for details.

July 12: Commercial Fisheries Possession Limit Changes--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, July 14, 2024, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut’s commercial black sea bass and scup fisheries. Open the notice for details.

June 27: NOAA Fisheries will be discontinuing the NOAA Fish Online iOS eVTR app on January 31, 2025--Open the notice for details.

June 14: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Changes--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, June 16, 2024, the commercial black sea bass possession limit will be 150 pounds (black sea bass quota managed species endorsement required). The commercial scup possession limit will be 1,500 pounds (scup quota managed species endorsement required). The commercial summer flounder possession limit will be 250 pounds (summer flounder quota managed species endorsement required). Open the notice for details and important reminders. 

June 6: Notice of Aquaculture Proposal within Long Island Sound Blue Plan Policy Area--DEEP Fisheries has been notified of a project proposed within the Long Island Sound Blue Plan policy area. This is a proposal to develop an oyster farm in the Branford Initiative Area state lot 127, west of the Thimble Islands. All comments regarding this proposal may be submitted via email by July 6, 2024, to the Fisheries Division at Open the notice for details.

June 4: Regional Fund Administrator-Design Oversight Committee (DOC) Commercial Fishing Industry DOC Representation-- For the last two years, 11 Atlantic states (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina), offshore wind developers and commercial fishing advisors have advanced an effort to establish a regional fund for fisheries compensatory mitigation. A recent request for proposals, advanced by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) on behalf of all 11 states, seeks to select a qualified entity to serve as the Regional Fund Administrator (RFA) that would design and develop a compensation fund and associated claims process to serve states, the fishing community, and offshore wind developers along the East Coast of the U.S. For more information on the anticipated scope of the RFA and process to date, please reach out to anyone on the contact list (page 3). The states and commercial fishing advisors are seeking to convene an advisory group referred to the “Design Oversight Committee” (DOC), which will oversee the work of the new RFA during the design and development phase. The DOC is meant to be a short-term governance structure for the design and development phase. The DOC will provide the Administrator significant advice, guidance, and support, but it is not a final decision-making entity. Applications are due July 19, 2024, by 5:00PM ET. Open the notice for details, contact information, and application.

May 24: Commercial Fishery Possession Limits--Reminder. Open the notice for details.

May 22: Connecticut CARES Act Assistance to Fishery Participants Round 3--The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission received approval from NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service to reallocate CARES Act Aid to Fishery Participants (CAAFP) Round 2 funds that went unused by some Atlantic coastal states to states that still had need for fishery aid funds. Connecticut’s share of those reallocated Round 2 funds is $985,375, which the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the CT Department of Agriculture (DOAG) will distribute to CT CAAFP Round 2 aid recipients whose 2020 and/or 2021 COVID-19 related revenue losses were not fully covered by Round 2 payments. Notifications have been sent to those eligible for a Round 3 CARES Payment. Response deadline is May 31, 2024. Open the notice for details.

May 2: South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Gathering Input of Mackerel Fisheries--The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council is hosting a series of virtual meetings, seeking input from New England commercial fishermen and recreational anglers regarding king and Spanish mackerel fisheries. Open the notice for details. 

April 23: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Adjustment--Effective 0001 hours, Wednesday, May 1, 2024, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut's commercial fisheries. Open the notice for details.

April 15: Notice of Scoping Meetings Amendment 10 to the Atlantic Herring FMP--The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) is conducting six scoping meetings to solicit comments regarding the range of alternatives to consider in Amendment 10 (A10) to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan (FMP). The Council is proposing to take action through A10 to address spatial and temporal allocation and management of Atlantic herring at the management unit level to minimize user conflicts, contribute to optimum yield and support rebuilding of the resource. The Council is also proposing to take action to enhance river herring (alewife and blueback herring) and shad (American shad and hickory shad) avoidance and other catch reduction measures to better support ongoing coastwide restoration efforts for those species. The Council is scheduling the scoping meetings in accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. Open the notice for details and webinar registration.

April 12: Commercial Fishery Black Sea Bass Winter I Closure--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, April 21, 2024, the Winter I commercial black sea bass fishery will be closed through April 30, 2024. Open the notice for details.

April 4: Commercial Black Sea Bass and Summer Flounder Fisheries Winter I Bi-Weekly Possession Limit Changes--Effective at the start of the next biweekly landing period, 0000 hours Sunday, April 7, 2024, the following Winter I bi-weekly possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut’s commercial fisheries: Black Sea Bass: the bi-weekly possession limit will be reduced to 400 lbs. Summer Flounder: the bi-weekly possession limit will be increased to 700 lbs. Open the notice for details. 

March 21: American Lobster Board Releases Draft Addendum XXX for Public Comment Draft Addendum Considers Addendum XXVII Impacts on Foreign Imports--Two public hearings have been scheduled by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to gather input on Draft Addendum XXX to Amendment 3 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Lobster. The Draft Addendum considers how the measures of Addendum XXVII, approved in May 2023, will apply to foreign imports of American lobster. One hearing will be conducted in New Hampshire in a hybrid format, and one general hearing will be conducted via webinar on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. Regardless of where the hybrid hearing is being conducted, all are welcome to participate in either the virtual or hybrid hearing. Open the notice for details.

March 18: Request for Proposals for Regional Offshore Wind Fisheries Mitigation Fund Administrator--Eleven coastal states (states of Maine through North Carolina, including Connecticut) have been advancing an initiative to establish a regional fund for fisheries compensatory mitigation which would provide financial compensation for impacts from offshore wind development in the Atlantic Coast region. As the latest step in this collective effort, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a regional fund administrator (RFA). The RFP seeks a qualified entity to serve as the RFA, and in that capacity design and develop an offshore wind energy-related comprehensive fisheries compensatory mitigation fund and associated claims process to serve states, the fishing community, and offshore wind developers working on projects in the waters along the East Coast of the United States. Responses to the RFP are due by March 26, 2024. Open the notice for details, deadline, and additional contact information.

March 18: DEEP Marine Headquarters to Fully Re-Open--The DEEP Marine District Headquarters (MDHQ) facility at 333 Ferry Road in Old Lyme will be fully reopened to the public beginning Monday, March 18, 2024. Open the notice for details.

March 15: 2024 Mandatory Commercial Tautog Tagging Program--Amendment 1 to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Tautog Interstate Fishery Management Plan (approved in October 2017) mandated implementation of a coast-wide commercial tagging program for tautog. The program is designed to combat illegal and unreported harvest of tautog. The commercial tautog fishery in Connecticut opens on April 1st. Please be advised all commercially-harvested tautog offloaded and/or landed in Connecticut must be tagged by the commercial harvester prior to offload and/or landing with a 2024 tag issued by CT DEEP. Open the notice for details.

March 6: Commercial Black Sea Bass Fishery Winter I Bi-Weekly Possession Limit Decrease--Effective at the start of the next bi-weekly landing period, 0001 hours, Sunday, March 10, 2024, the Winter I possession commercial black sea bass fishery bi-weekly possession limit will be 800lb. Open the notice for details.

March 5: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, April 8-30, May 8-31 and June 7-28, 2024. Open the notice for details.

March 1: Vineyard Wind 1 Fisheries Compensatory Mitigation Program--The Vineyard Wind 1 fisheries compensatory mitigation program is being launched on March 4, 2024.  The program is open to commercial fishermen homeported in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island who have fished in the Vineyard Wind 1 lease area, OCS-A 0501. To qualify for the program, commercial fishing vessel owners/operators will be required to submit an online application during the eligibility period, which runs from March 4, 2024, through June 3, 2024. The eligibility phase is the only time that commercial fishing vessel owners/operators will be able to qualify for compensation from the program. A series of open house and tabling events are being held in March to help fishermen apply for the program. Open the notice for details.

February 29: Mandatory Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting for American Lobster Permit Holders--NOAA Fisheries is implementing electronic Vessel Trip Reporting (eVTR) for all Federal lobster permit holders using a Great Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office approved eVTR application. Implementation of eVTRs will begin on April 1, 2024, with the requirement that all eVTRs must be completed through the effort section of the reporting app prior to landing and submitted to GARFO within 48 hours of the conclusion of a fishing trip. Vessel operators will be able to submit their catch reports on multiple reporting platforms. NOAA Fisheries is recommending lobster vessel operators download one of the apps as soon as possible so they can become familiar with entering their catch information. Open the notice for details.

February 20: Commercial Fishing License Renewal Deadline--Public Act 15-52, which went into effect on January 1, 2016, requires commercial limited access (moratorium) licenses to be renewed annually by March 31st. License applications MUST BE RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED BY MARCH 31st. The law also requires a Commercial Fishing Vessel Permit to be purchased annually for the primary vessel identified on a limited access (moratorium) license for the license to remain eligible for renewal in the future. Quota Managed Species Endorsements– for fluke, scup, black sea bass and hand harvest of horseshoe crabs – also require annual renewal by March 31stOpen the notice for details and permit application link.

February 7: American Eel Draft Addendum VII Considers Changes to Commercial Yellow Eel Coastwide Harvest Cap--Many Atlantic coastal states from New Hampshire through Virginia have scheduled public hearings to gather input on Draft Addendum VII to the interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Eel. Draft Addendum VII considers management measures to reduce the yellow eel coastwide harvest cap in response to the 2023 benchmark stock assessment, which found the stock remains depleted. While Connecticut has not scheduled a hearing, anyone interested can participate in any of the virtual or hybrid hearings beings held. Open the notice for details.

January 5: Request for Nominations to the New England Fishery Management Council--The State of Connecticut is seeking nominees for upcoming open seats on the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC). The NEFMC is one of eight regional councils established by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) and is charged with conserving and managing fishery resources from 3 to 200 miles off the coasts of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. The MSA specifies that council nominees must be individuals "who, by reason of their occupational or other experience, scientific expertise, or training, are knowledgeable regarding the conservation and management, or the commercial or recreational harvest, of the fishery resources of the geographical area concerned."  The NEFMC manages: sea scallops, monkfish, Atlantic herring, skates, red crab, spiny dogfish and groundfish. Two seats are open for nominations from Connecticut. Open the notice for details.


2024 Commercial Fishery Management Plan

December 27: Notice of Diesel Emissions Reduction Program Application Deadline Extension--The CT DEEP previously announced the availability of up to $968,805.00 in new funds for the reduction of diesel emissions in our state. This funding presents an opportunity to replace older diesel engines and equipment. The deadline to submit proposals has been extended to no later than 4pm on January 24, 2024. Open the notice for details. 

December 21: Notice to Commercial Tautog Fishermen--Effective Monday, December 25, 2023, the commercial blackfish fishery will be closed until April 1, 2024. If you are a licensed commercial fisherman who received 2023 tautog tags, you are required to complete the supplemental report accounting for the use of all tags you were issued. Open the notice for details.

November 30: 2024 Marine License Applications

November 24: Winter II Commercial Summer Flounder Possession Limit Increase--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, November 26, 2023, the possession limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder will be 7,000lb per weekly period. Open the notice for details.

November 22: Quota Managed Species Meeting Notice--A meeting of seafood dealers and commercial fishermen that harvest quota-managed species has been scheduled for 2pm, Thursday, December 7, 2023, at DEEP Marine Headquarters, Boating Education Center (rear building). Open the notice for details.

November 13: Notice of Funds Available for Diesel Emissions Reduction--Up to $968,805.00 in new funds are available for the reduction of diesel emissions in our state. This funding presents an opportunity to replace older diesel engines and equipment. An informational webinar is being held Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 2:00 PM, for all interested parties. Open the notice for details.

October 30: Winter II Commercial Summer Flounder Possession Limit --Effective 0001 hours, Wednesday, November 1, 2023, the possession limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder will change to a weekly trip limit. Open the notice for details.

October 11: 
Commercial Summer Flounder and Black Sea Bass Fisheries Possession Limit Increases--Effective 0001 hours, Thursday, October 12, 2023 the commercial possession limits for summer flounder and black sea bass will increase. Open the notice for details.

September 20: Commercial Scup and Black Sea Bass Fisheries Possession Limit Changes--Effective 0001 hours, Thursday, September 21, 2023 the commercial possession limit for black sea bass will increase. Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, October 1, 2023 the commercial possession for scup will be 13,500lb as specified by NOAA Fisheries for the Winter 2 period. Open the notice for details.

September 11:
Free First Aid and CPR Class for Fishermen--Fishing Partnership and Support Services is offering a free class at UCONN-Avery Point. Open the notice for details.

September 8: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, September 14-29, 2023 and October 10-31, 2023. Open the notice for details.

September 1: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Increases--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, September 3, 2023, the possession limit for Connecticut's commercial scup and black sea bass fisheries will increase.  Open the notice for details.

August 31: Notice to Lobster Fishermen-- Lobster Season Closure Reminder. Open the notice for details.

July 26: Commercial Possession Limit Decrease--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, July 30, 2023 the commercial possession limit for scup will decrease.  Open the notice for details.

July 7: Commercial Black Sea Bass Fishery Possession Limit Decrease--Effective 0001 hours, Saturday, July 8, 2023, the possession limit for Connecticut's black sea bass commercial fishery will be 50 pounds for holders of a Black Sea Bass License Endorsement. The allowance for black sea bass from lobster pots for commercial fishermen who do not hold a black sea bass endorsement has been discontinued for the remainder of 2023. Open the notice for details.

June 28: REMINDER: USDA Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety Block Grant Program (USDA SPRS)--Application deadline for Connecticut's USDA SPRS Grant program is June 30, 2023. Open the notice for details.

June 20: Commercial Black Sea Bass Fishery Possession Limit Decrease--Effective 0001 hours, Thursday, June 22, 2023, the possession limit for Connecticut's black sea bass commercial fishery will be 150 pounds for holders of a Black Sea Bass License Endorsement. The allowance for black sea bass from lobster pots is being discontinued for the remainder of 2023. Open the notice for details.

June 2: USDA Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety Block Grant Program (USDA SPRS)-- The 2021 SPRS Block Grant Program, part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, signed into law on December 27, 2020, authorized the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to provide $50 million to eligible state agencies to provide relief to seafood dealers and seafood processors. Connecticut's allocation is $200,000. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) will issue payments to CT based seafood dealers, wholesalers and processors for expenses required to prepare for, prevent exposure to, and respond to the COVID-19 between January 27, 2020 and December 31, 2021.  The deadline to apply is June 30, 2023. Open the notice for details.

May 19: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Changes-- Effective 0001 hours, Friday, May 19, 2023, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut's commercial fisheries. Open the notice for details.

May 14: Notice to Horseshoe Crab Fishermen--Section 26-159a-17 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies implemented changes to the horseshoe crab fishing rules in 2022. These regulations delay the opening of the commercial horseshoe crab season until three days after the last new or full moon (whichever comes later) in May and implement a 5-day "lunar closure" centered on the first new or full moon (whichever comes first) in June. Open the notice for details.

May 11: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, May 9-26, 2023 and June 6-30, 2023. Open the notice for details.

April 28: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Adjustment--Effective 0001 hours, Monday, May 1st, 2023, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut's commercial fisheries. Open the notice for details.

April 19: Commercial Summer Flounder Fishery Possession Limit Change--Effective 0001 hours Sunday, April 23, 2023, the daily possession limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder will be 250 pounds. Open the notice for details.

April 14: Council Establishes On-Demand Fishing Gear Conflict Working Group; Fishermen Encouraged to Apply for a Seat at the Table--The New England Fishery Management Council is looking for members of the mobile gear, gillnet, trap/pot, and recreational fishing communities, as well as other members of the public, to serve on its On-Demand Fishing Gear Conflict Working Group.  The application deadline is Monday, April 24, 2023. Open the notice for details.

April 6: Commercial Summer Flounder Fishery Possession Limit Decrease--Effective 0001 hours Sunday, April 9, 2023, the bi-weekly possession limit for the Winter I commercial summer flounder fishery will be reduced to 9,000lb. Open the notice for details.

March 27: Commercial Fishery Black Sea Bass Winter I Closure Reminder--As of 0001 hours, Sunday March 26, 2023, the commercial black sea bass fishery in Connecticut was closed until further notice. Open the notice for details.

March 16: Free First Aid and CPR Class for Fishermen--Fishing Partnership Support Services is offering a Free First Aid and CPR Class for Fishermen. Open the notice for details.

March 16: Commercial Fishery Black Sea Bass Winter I Closure--Effective 0001 hours Friday, March 17, 2023, the Winter I commercial black sea bass fishery will be closed through April 30, 2023. Vessels which have sailed prior to 0001 hours Friday March 17, 2023, and have not yet landed the biweekly limit of 500lbs previously in place for the period that began at 0001 hours on Sunday, March 12, 2023, will be allowed to complete their trip and offload, subject to the previous 500lb landing limit for the period March 12 – March 25 and provided such offload occurs no later than 2359 Saturday March 25, 2023. As of Thursday, March 16, 2023, 26% of Connecticut’s 2023 commercial black sea bass quota has been landed. The 2023 Winter I (January 1 through April 30, 2022) cumulative landings target for the commercial fishery is 25% of the quota. The Department was unable to implement a closure at the 25% Winter 1 target or provide more advanced notice of the closure implemented via this notice due to late seafood dealer reports of black sea bass landings. Federally-licensed seafood dealers are hereby reminded: Dealers must submit all reports for a reporting week (Sunday to Saturday) by midnight of the following Tuesday. Open the notice for details.

March 8: Commercial Summer Flounder Winter Fishery Call-In Requirement--As a reminder and effective immediately, when a weekly or biweekly landing or possession limit for the CT commercial summer flounder winter fishery is in effect, fishermen must call Encon police prior to departure and at least two hours prior to landing. Open the notice for details.

March 8: Commercial Fishery Black Sea Bass Possession Limit Decrease--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, March 12, 2023, the commercial possession limit for black sea bass will be reduced to 500lb per bi-weekly (two-week) period. Open the notice for details.

March 7: Commercial Fishing License Renewal Deadline Reminder--Public Act 15-52, which went into effect on January 1, 2016, requires commercial limited access (moratorium) licenses to be renewed annually by March 31stLicense applications MUST BE RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED BY MARCH 31st. The law also requires a Commercial Fishing Vessel Permit to be purchased annually for the primary vessel identified on a limited access (moratorium) license for the license to remain eligible for renewal in the future. Quota Managed Species Endorsements– for fluke, scup, black sea bass and hand harvest of horseshoe crabs – also require annual renewal by March 31stOpen the notice for details and permit application link.

March 6: 2023 Mandatory Commercial Tautog Tagging Program--Amendment 1 to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Tautog (blackfish) Interstate Fishery Management Plan (approved in October 2017) mandated implementation of a coast-wide commercial tagging program for tautog. Open the notice for details.

March 1: Notice of Aquaculture Proposal within Long Island Sound Blue Plan Policy Area-- DEEP Fisheries has been notified of a project proposed within the Long Island Sound Blue Plan policy area. The proposal is for the establishment of a dedicated seaweed aquaculture farm located in Western Long Island Sound, south of the Norwalk Islands. Open the notice for details.

February 17: 2023 Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations Public Informational Meetings: February 27th and 28th-- The CT DEEP Marine Fisheries Program (MFP) is holding two Public Informational Meetings to provide information on the status of important recreational fisheries and planned recreational regulations for the 2023 fishing season, as well as to gather public input on 2023 regulation options for black sea bass. The same information will be presented at both meetings. MFP is holding both an in-person and a virtual meeting with identical content in the interest of maximizing opportunities for public participation. Open the notice for details.

January 27: Nine Atlantic Coast States Release Request for Information to Inform Establishment of a Regional Fisheries Compensatory Mitigation Fund Administrator- Deadline Extension-- Open the notice for details.

January 19: Request for Nominations to the New England Fishery Management Council-- The State of Connecticut is seeking nominees for upcoming open seats on the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC). Open the notice for details.

January 17: 2023 Marine Mammal Authorization Program Certificate Updated and Available Online--The Marine Mammal Authorization Program (MMAP) is a mandatory commercial fishermen's registration program that provides annual exemptions for accidentally killing or injuring marine mammals (referred to as incidental take), during commercial fishing activities. Open the notice for details.

January 13: Nine Atlantic Coast States Release Request for Information to Inform Establishment of a Regional Fisheries Compensatory Mitigation Fund Administrator -- Nine coastal states (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia) have been advancing an initiative to establish a regional fund administrator for fisheries compensatory mitigation which would provide financial compensation for impacts from offshore wind development in the Atlantic Coast region. Recognizing the importance of sustaining a vibrant fishing community that can coexist and thrive alongside offshore wind energy development, the States have released a Request for Information (RFI) aimed at receiving input from impacted members of the fishing industry, offshore wind developers, corporate and financial management entities, as well as interested members of the public, to inform efforts to establish a regional fisheries compensatory mitigation fund administrator. Open the notice for details.


December 28: Commercial Bluefish Fishery Possession Limit Decrease--Effective immediately, the commercial limit for bluefish is 250 pounds for the remainder of 2022. Open the notice for details.

2023 Commercial Fishery Management Plan

December 15: Commercial Black Sea Bass Fishery Possession Limit Increase--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, December 18, 2022, the possession limit for the commercial harvest of Black sea bass for landings from trawl nets will increase.  Open the notice for details.

December 6: 2023 Multi-State Possession Program for Summer Flounder Applications Available-- Applications for the 2023 Multi-State Possession Program for Summer Flounder are now available. The Multi-State Possession Program for Summer Flounder allows qualifying commercial fishermen to simultaneously carry summer flounder possession limits for Connecticut and cooperating states during the same fishing trip but does not permit commercial fishermen to land more than the Connecticut summer flounder landing limit in Connecticut. The program is limited to the commercial summer flounder Winter Period 1 only (January 1 through April 30, inclusive). Open the notice for details.

December 1: Quota Managed Species Meeting Notice--A meeting of seafood dealers and commercial fishermen that harvest quota-managed species has been scheduled for 2pm, Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at DEEP Marine Headquarters, Boating Education Center (rear building). Open the notice for details.

November 25: Notice to Fishermen: 2023 License Applications --Please use the link included in the notice to locate your permit applications for fishing year 2023.

November 18: Offshore Wind Fisheries Compensation Fund Administrator Informational Webinars --Nine coastal states (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia) have been advancing an initiative to establish a regional fund administrator for fisheries compensatory mitigation which would provide financial compensation for impacts from offshore wind development in the Atlantic Coast region. This effort focuses on supporting the BOEM Draft Fisheries Mitigation Framework by working to advance the establishment of an administrator that would collect, hold, and dispense funds to impacted members of the fishing community while creating a process that is fair, equitable, and transparent across the region and engages with the fishing and offshore wind industries. The states have developed a scoping document and will be releasing a Request for Information (RFI) soon to solicit feedback on the design of the fund administrator. To support the states’ work, the Consensus Building Institute and the Special Initiative on Offshore Wind will be hosting two webinars to help share information about the forthcoming RFI, on November 30 from 6-8pm ET and December 1 from 4-6pm ET. We hope you can participate to learn more about this initiative. Open the notice for details and Zoom links.

November 3: Commercial Menhaden Fishery Possession Limit Decrease--Effective 0001 hours Friday, November 04, 2022, the directed fishery for Menhaden is closed in Connecticut. The incidental Fishery remains open with a 6,000lb possession limit. Open the notice for details.

October 31: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Increase for Summer Flounder and Black Sea Bass--Effective immediately, the landing limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder caught in trawl nets is increased to 12,000 pounds per week and the commercial harvest of black sea bass caught in trawl nets is increased to 5,000 pounds per week. Open the notice for details.

October 26: Notice of Funds Available for Diesel Emissions Reduction--The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is announcing the availability of up to $1,189,000 in new funds for the reduction of diesel emissions in our state. This funding presents an opportunity to replace older diesel engines and equipment. DEEP is seeking grant proposals from municipalities, organizations, and businesses for diesel emissions reduction projects that are environmentally and economically beneficial, can be initiated promptly, and will be completed quickly. Proposals must be submitted no later than November, 30, 2022. Open the notice for details.

October 3: Scup Winter II Commercial Fishery Possession Limit--Effective 0001 hours Saturday, October 1, 2022, per NOAA Fisheries, the commercial fishery possession limit for Scup is 24,000lb for the Winter 2 Period (October 1-December 31). No Scup License Endorsement required. Open the notice for details.

October 3: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, October 11-31, 2022. Open the notice for details.

September 27: Safety and Survival Training for Commercial Fishermen--To be held at UCONN Avery Point, Groton, CT on October 20 - 21, 2022. Open the flyer for more information and to register.

September 22: Application to Assist the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, Save the Sound and Project Oceanology with Abandoned Lobster Pot Removal--Public Act 18-54, passed in 2018, amended Section 26-23 of Connecticut General Statutes to allow for removal of derelict lobster gear “by an authorized representative of the commissioner” of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). This change to state law was intended to provide an avenue for DEEP to establish a cooperative program for removal of abandoned lobster pots from the Connecticut waters of Long Island Sound. Cornell University Cooperative Extension, in cooperation with the NY commercial fishing industry, has conducted an abandoned lobster pot removal program in the NY waters of Long Island Sound since 2010. This program has removed over 20,000 abandoned lobster pots from the Sound to-date. Open the notice for details.

September 14: Commercial Summer Flounder Landing Limit Increase--Effective immediately, the landing limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder caught in trawl nets is increased from 7,000 pounds per week to 10,000 pounds per week. Open the notice for details.

September 7: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, September 8-30, 2022. Open the notice for details.

September 2: Notice to Lobster Fishermen--Lobster Season Closure Reminder. Open the notice for details.

August 26: Commercial Fishery Possession Limits for Summer flounder, Black Sea Bass and Scup--Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, August 28, 2022 the landing limits for the commercial harvest of Summer flounder, Black sea bass and Scup are changing.  Open the notice for details.

July 25: Council Seeks Applicants for Advisory Panels--NEFMC seeks applicants for advisory panels. Open the notice for details.

July 25: Reminder to Whelk Fishermen--In regard to changes to area-gear restrictions, gear specifications and minimum size requirements for whelk. Open the notice for details.

July 8: Notice to Whelk Fishermen--Changes to whelk fishing rules in Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA) Sections 26-142a-3a, 26-142a-6, and 26-142a-8a were approved by the Connecticut General Assembly Legislative Regulation Review Committee on April 26, 2022, and were finalized by the Secretary of State on May 11, 2022. The new regulations will be effective August 1, 2022. Open the notice for details. 

July 7: Commercial Scup Fishery Possession Limit Increase--Effective 0001 hours, Saturday, July 9, 2022, the landing limit for the commercial harvest of scup will be 2,500 pounds for holders of a Scup License Endorsement.

July 1: Shortfin Mako Possession Limit Set at Zero for all Fisheries--Effective 0001 hours, Tuesday, July 5, 2022, the landing and possession limit for the recreational and commercial fisheries for shortfin mako sharks will be zero.

June 20: Black Sea Bass Landings from Commercial Lobster Pots Weekly Reporting Reminder

June 3: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, June 7-30, 2022. Open the notice for details.

May 12: Notice to Horseshoe Crab Fishermen--Changes to horseshoe crab fishing rules in Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Section 26-159a-17 were approved by the Connecticut General Assembly Legislative Regulation Review Committee on April 26, 2022, and were finalized by the Secretary of State on May 11, 2022. The new regulations delay the opening of the commercial horseshoe crab season (previously May 22nd) until three days after the last new or full moon (whichever comes later) in May, implement a 5-day “lunar closure” centered on the first new or full moon (whichever comes first) in June and reduce the daily hand-harvest possession limit from 500 to 150 crabs. The existing Horseshoe Crab Hand Harvest License Endorsement requirement, closed areas, season closure date of July 8th and weekend closures (6:00 PM on Friday through 6:00 PM on Sunday) remain in place.

May 6: Notice to Pot Fishermen--In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, May 10-31, 2022. Open the notice for details.

May 6: Commercial Fishery Summer Flounder Possession Limit Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, May 8, 2022, the landing limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder will be 1,000 pounds for holders of a Summer Flounder License Endorsement.

May 3: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Clarification -- Black Sea Bass endorsement holders may not be in possession of 60 pounds of black sea bass from lobster pots in addition to the prevailing possession limit for endorsement holders.

April 27: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Adjustment -- Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, May 1, 2022, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut's commercial fisheries.

April 25: Commercial Fishery Black Sea Bass Winter I Closure -- Effective 0001 hours, Tuesday, April 26, 2022, the Winter I commercial black sea bass fishery will be closed through April 30, 2022.  Vessels which have sailed prior to 0001 hours, Tuesday, April 26, 2022, and have not yet landed the biweekly limit of 5,000 lbs. previously in place for the period that began at 0001 hours on Sunday, April 24, 2022, will be allowed to complete their trip and offload, subject to the previous 5,000 lb. landing limit for the period April 24-April 30 and provided such offload occurs  no later than 2359 Saturday, April 30.

April 8: Notice to Pot Fishermen -- In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, April 11-29, 2022. Open the notice for details.

March 24: 2022-2023 Commercial Lobster Trap Tag

March 21: 2022 Mandatory Commercial Tautog Tagging Program -- The commercial tautog fishery in Connecticut opens on April 1. Please be advised that all commercially-harvested tautog offloaded and/or landed in Connecticut must be tagged by the commercial harvester prior to offload and/or landing with a 2022 tag issued by CT DEEP.

March 15: Commercial Fishery Black Sea Bass Possession Limit Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Thursday, March 17, 2022, the landing limit for the commercial harvest of black sea bass will be 5,000 pounds per two-week period.

March 15: Commercial Fishery Summer Flounder Possession Limit Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Thursday, March 17, 2022, the landing limit for the Winter I period commercial harvest of summer flounder will be 7,000 pounds per two-week period.

March 14: Connecticut CARES Act Assistance to Fishery Participants II Update -- Aid disbursements mailed March 10, 2022.

March 7: Commercial Fishing License Renewal Deadline Reminder -- License applications must be received or postmarked by March 31, 2022.

February 16: Commercial Fishing License Renewal Deadline Reminder -- Commercial limited access (moratorium) licenses must be renewed annually by March 31st. License applications MUST BE RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED BY MARCH 31. The law also requires a Commercial Fishing Vessel Permit to be purchased annually for the primary vessel identified on a limited access (moratorium) license for the license to remain eligible for renewal in the future. Quota Managed Species Endorsements – for fluke, scup, black sea bass, and hand harvest of horseshoe crabs – also require annual renewal by March 31.

2022 Commercial Fishery Management Plan


December 13: 2022 Multi-State Possession Program for Summer Flounder; Applications Available

December 9: Commercial Black Sea Bass Possession Limit Change -- Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, December 12, 2021, the Connecticut landing limit for the commercial harvest of black sea bass will be 3,000 pounds per week (0001 hours Sunday through 2359 hours the following Saturday).

December 8: Notice to Fishermen concerning marine license applications -- Link to 2022 CT DEEP Marine Fishing License Applications:

December 2: Commercial Summer Flounder Possession Limit Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, December 5, 2021, the Connecticut landing limit for the commercial harvest of summer flounder will be 4,000 pounds per week (0001 hours Sunday through 2359 hours the following Saturday).

November 16: The CT DEEP is holding a public hearing on a proposal to modify the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies concerning Whelks, American Lobsters, Striped Bass Circle Hooks and Horseshoe Crabs.

September 2: NOAA Fisheries To Hold Scoping Webinar For CT Gillnet and Trap/Pot Fisheries -- A webinar for Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey trap/pot fisheries has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 14, 2021, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A webinar for Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey gillnet fisheries has been scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 2021, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Registration and more information)

September 2: Lobster Season Closure Reminder

August 6: Commercial Fishery Scup Possession Limit Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, August 8, 2021, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut’s summer commercial scup fishery.

June 23: Commercial Fishery Possession Limits Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Friday, June 25, 2021, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut’s commercial summer flounder and black sea bass fisheries.

June 8: Monthly Trawl Survey Map -- June 14-30, 2021

June 5: Commercial Fishery Scup Possession Limit Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Monday, June 7, 2021, new possession limits will be in effect for Connecticut’s summer commercial scup fishery.

May 25: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Adjustment -- New possession limits are in effect for commercial fisheries effective 0001 hours on May 30, 2021.

April 29: Notice to Pot Fishermen -- In regard to the Long Island Sound Trawl Fishing Survey, May 10-29, 2021.

April 22: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Adjustment -- New possession limits are in effect for commercial fisheries (Scup, Black Sea Bass, Summer Flounder) effective 0001 hours on May 1, 2021.

March 29: ASMFC and NAFMC Bluefish Hearing Reminder -- The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council have scheduled a virtual public hearing for Connecticut and New York on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM to gather public input on the joint Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment. Select the link for instructions on how to register for the hearing and for links to the hearing documents.

March 22: Mandatory Commercial Tautog Tagging Program -- Amendment 1 to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's Tautog (blackfish) Fishery Management Plan (approved in October 2017) mandated implementation of a coast-wide commercial tagging program for tautog. This program is designed to combat illegal and unreported harvest of tautog, particularly in the live fish market. The commercial tautog fishery in Connecticut opens on April 1st. Please be advised that all commercially-harvested tautog offloaded and/or landed in Connecticut must be tagged by the commercial harvester prior to offload and/or landing with a tag issued by the CT DEEP. Open the notice for details.

March 11: Commercial Fishery Summer Flounder Possession Limit Increase -- Effective 0001 hours, Sunday, March 14, 2021, the landing limit for the Winter I period commercial harvest of summer flounder will be 4,000 pounds per two-week period. A Summer Flounder License Endorsement is required when in possession of summer flounder in Connecticut.

March 10: ASMFC Public Hearing on the Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7 --The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a virtual public hearing for Connecticut on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM to gather public input on the Striped Bass Draft Addendum 7 Public Information Document (PID). As the first step in the amendment process, the PID seeks input from those interested in striped bass about changes observed in the fishery/resource and potential management measures. Select the PDF for information on how to register for the hearing and links to the hearing documents.

March 10: ASMFC and MAFMC Public Hearing on the Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment -- The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council have scheduled a virtual public hearing for Connecticut and New York on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM to gather public input on the joint Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment. Select the PDF for more information and how to register for the hearing.

Feb. 24: Public Informational Meeting: Planning a Connecticut Cooperative Abandoned Lobster Pot Removal Program -- March 3, 2021; 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Feb. 5: Webinar on Accessing SBA's PPP Funding and Forgiveness Programs -- Catherine Marx, Small Business Administration (SBA) CT District Director, will host a WebEx meeting on Tuesday, February 9th from 3:30pm - 4:30pm to present on SBA’s First Draw, Second Draw, and Payroll Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness, and answer questions about the program. Eligible CT aquaculture producers and commercial fishermen who are continuing to struggle due to the coronavirus pandemic are encouraged to take advantage of the PPP before the March 31 statutory deadline.

Feb. 2: Commercial Fishing License Renewal Deadline Reminder

Jan. 28: Commercial Fishery Summer Flounder Possession Limit Increase

Jan. 4: Summer Flounder Commercial Quota Meeting (A meeting of seafood dealers and commercial fishermen who harvest summer flounder has been scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 13, 2021. **Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be conducted via a Zoom webinar. The purpose of this meeting is to receive input on strategies to manage Connecticut's increased 2021 summer flounder quota as a result of NOAA’s implementation of Amendment 21 to the Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan on January 1, 2021.)


Dec. 24: 2021 Commercial Fishery Management Plan

Dec. 16: 2021 Multi-State Possession Program for Summer Flounder Applications Available

May 27: Order of the Commissioner Concerning Licensure of Commercial Fishermen and Certification of Commercial Forest Practioners

May 27: Commercial Fishing License Renewal Deadline Extension

May 19: Resumption of For-Hire Fishing on May 20th

May 15: Commercial Black Sea Bass Possession Limit Change

May 14: CARES Act Assistance to Fishery Participants (Notice to Commercial Fishermen, Party/Charter Vessel Operators, Seafood Dealers, and Marine Aquaculture Businesses)

April 28: 2020 Commercial Fishery Possession Limits

March 31: U.S. Chamber of Commerce CARES Guide

March 31: U.S. Senate Committee CARES Guide

March 30: Commercial Fishing License Renewal Deadline Extension

March 26: New Striped Bass and Bluefish Recreational Fishing Measures for 2020

March 26: Commercial Fishery Possession Limit Adjustment

March 20: COVID-19 Office Closure

March 13: Mandatory Commercial Tautog Tagging Program

March 11: Mandatory Commercial Tautog Tagging Program

Feb. 28: 2020 Recreational Fisheries Measures Informational Meeting

Feb. 24: MAFMC ASMFC Public Hearing Reminder

Feb. 24: Horseshoe Crab Public Input Deadline

Feb. 7: UPDATED-2020 Recreational Fisheries Measures Informational Meeting

Jan. 17: Notice of Horseshoe Public Informational Meeting

Jan. 15: Commercial Fishery Possession Limits

Jan. 10: Bonus Striped Bass Program Discontinued

Jan. 7: Allocation Scoping Hearings