Annual Fishing Guide Photo Contest


Last Year's Grand Prize Winner!

Grand Prize: Cover of the CT DEEP Fishing Guide
Runner(s) up: Inclusion within the CT DEEP Fishing Guide
Submit by: November 1
Submit to: (digital photographs only please)


  1. The digital photo must be of someone fishing or of the lucky angler with a fish captured within Connecticut waters following all state fishing rules and regulations.
  2. Accompanying each photo must be the Fishing Guide Photo Contest Form which includes authorization and release for use of each photograph. The completed form can be scanned and emailed to;  faxed to 860-424-4070; or mailed to DEEP Inland Fisheries, Fishing Guide Photo Contest, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106.

Be sure to pack your camera in your tackle box so you can snap a quick photo and prevent the dreaded “one that got away” phenomenon. As a picture is worth a thousand words, the CT DEEP Fisheries Division is looking to share your fish stories with your fellow anglers by welcoming you to submit your best fishing related digital photo to us.

For this contest we are looking for high quality electronic photos that:

  • appeal to a diversity of anglers and the public
  • are in sharp focus
  • have good color contrast
  • have sufficient resolution to allow enlargement (8 in x 10.5 in, vertical, at 300 dpi) 
  • have a portrait orientation (preferred)

In addition to use in the Fishing Guide, submitted photos, with credit to the photographer, may be used by CT DEEP for display on a variety of fisheries outreach materials including press releases, web pages, Facebook, and educational materials.

The benefits of fishing are many: it is a great way to relax, connect with the outdoors, provide a delicious dinner, and is enjoyable for the novice and expert alike. Some of Connecticut’s most popular recreational fish are trout, bass, northern pike, walleye, catfish, summer flounder (fluke), striped bass, bluefish, scup (porgy) and tautog (blackfish).

As fishing means many things to many people, we are encouraged, through this contest, that we will receive a diverse collection of digital photographs capturing the true essence and broad scope of Connecticut’s fisheries resources.

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Please contact the Fisheries Division with any questions. 

Phone: 860-424-FISH (3474)

Content last updated June 2020