Building Decarbonization

About header title

  • Fossil fuel combustion in residential and commercial buildings accounts for more than a quarter of Connecticut’s economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions. Additional emissions are produced to generate electricity for these buildings
  • The Office of Buildings and Transportation Decarbonization, the Office of Affordable Housing and Energy Retrofits, and the Office of Energy Supply and Infrastructure play a critical role in Connecticut’s building decarbonization efforts.
  • To achieve Connecticut's climate goals of reducing statewide emissions 45% by 2030 and 80% by 2050, relative to a 2001 baseline, homes and businesses must significantly reduce these emissions in a manner that prioritizes and helps manages costs for communities with the highest energy burdens and poor health impacts.
  • Building decarbonization, or the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, consists of three key strategies:
    1. Energy-efficiency improvements in buildings and appliances
    2. Substitution of renewable thermal technologies for fossil-fuel-reliant equipment in buildings
    3. Use of clean electricity supply resources and demand flexibility

Initiatives header title


Conservation and Load managementThe Conservation and Load Management Plan

The Conservation and Load Management Plan is an energy efficiency and demand management investment plan that includes programs and initiatives to help Connecticut residents and business save energy and money. The C&LM Plan is developed on a three-year cycle by the state’s major utilities with guidance and approval from the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board and DEEP. Learn More




Weatherization Assistance Program

Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Assistance Program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and helps income-eligible customers minimize energy-related costs and fuel usage in their homes through energy upgrades and home improvement measures. Typical measures include heating system tune-ups and repairs, blower door guided air-sealing, insulation, and health and safety inspections. Learn More




GreenerGov CT

GreenerGov CT

GreenerGov CT is a cross-agency Lead by Example initiative focused on achieving goals and targets related to reducing the environmental impact of Connecticut’s State government operations. Learn More






Weatherization Barriers Remediation ProgramResidential Energy Preparation Services

The Residential Energy Preparation Services Program addresses barriers, such as mold and asbestos, that inhibit the completion of residential weatherization and energy efficiency measures. Addressing these barriers improves the health and safety of homes and allows for the installation of measures that reduce energy use. Learn More 




Renewable Thermal EnergyRenewable thermal energy

Renewable thermal energy is a key element of Connecticut’s deployment of clean energy. A wide range of technologies – from heat pumps to biofuels to solar water heating – harvest energy from the environment to provide buildings with efficient, low-carbon heating and cooling. Learn More


High Performance Building StandardsHigh Performance Building Standards

Connecticut’s High Performance Building Standards help achieve the state’s greenhouse gas emission, energy, and cost reduction goals while driving economic growth. These state construction standards are consistent with, or in some cases, have exceeded the Leadership in Energy and Environment (LEED) silver design building rating system. Learn more


Key Partners header title


PURA LogoThe Public Utilities Regulatory Authority regulates the rates and services of Connecticut’s investor-owned electricity, natural gas, water, and telecommunication companies and is the franchising authority for the state’s cable television companies. PURA balances the public’s right to safe, adequate, and reliable utility service at reasonable rates with the provider’s right to a reasonable return on its investment. PURA also oversees utility-administered programs supporting on-site renewable energy deployment, like the Residential Renewable Energy Solutions.


CT Green BankThe Connecticut Green Bank offers incentives and innovative low-cost financing to encourage homeowners, companies, municipalities, and other institutions to support both renewable energy and energy efficiency.


OPM DSS logosThe Low-Income Energy Advisory Board assists the Office of Policy and Management and the Department of Social Services in the planning, development, implementation and coordination of energy assistance programs and policies.



Energize CT logoEnergize Connecticut is an initiative of the Energy Efficiency Fund, the Connecticut Green Bank, the State and local electric and gas utilities with funding from a charge on customer energy bills. Energize CT helps homes and business save energy with rebates, financing and services for energy efficiency and clean energy improvements.


Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership LogoNortheast Energy Efficiency Partnerships is a non-profit focused on accelerating energy efficiency in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states. It is funded, in part, by US Department of Energy to support state efficiency policies and programs.



Clean Energy States Alliance logoClean Energy States Alliance is a national, nonprofit coalition of public agencies and organizations working together to advance clean energy. Connecticut is a CESA member alongside federal agencies, industry representatives, and other stakeholders working to develop clean energy programs and inclusive renewable energy markets.


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Content last updated June 2022