Related Information and References

Tidal Marshes of Long Island Sound
Long Island Sound Study Habitat Restoration Manual
Long Island Sound Study (LISS) Fact Sheets
LISS - Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
Coastal Resource Maps and Photographs
Under the Connecticut Coastal Management Act (Chapter 444 of the General Statutes), Connecticut has established a shared state/local program to manage the land and water resources of the coastal area. The following maps and photographs covering Connecticut's 36 coastal municipalities have been prepared as part of that program implementation. Mapped reports and publications are available upon request.
The following maps, all at 1:24,000 on a standard topographic quadrangle base, are derived from data that was recorded in the 1970's. Black line copies for most of the quadrangles within the coastal area are available for sale for $5.00 each from the DEEP Store. Please call 860-424-3555 for information. Some data has been digitized and may be viewed or downloaded from Maps and GIS Data
- COASTAL BOUNDARY MAPS delineating the coastal boundary of Connecticut as defined in the Connecticut Coastal Management Act.
- COASTAL RESOURCE MAPS depicting the location and condition of 13 coastal resources defined in the Connecticut Coastal Management Act: shorelands, bluffs and escarpments, rocky shorefronts, beaches and dunes, intertidal flats, tidal wetlands, freshwater wetlands and watercourses, estuarine embayments, coastal hazard areas, developed shorefront, islands, near shore marshy waters, and offshore waters.
- SHELLFISH CONCENTRATION AREAS MAPS showing location and type of existing shellfish beds in estuarine waters.
- SOILS MAPS prepared by the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service depicting detailed soils types for the coastal portion of Connecticut's coastal towns.
Blue print copies only: $5.00
- SHORELINE CHANGES MAPS depicting historical changes in the configuration of the Connecticut shoreline from the mid-1800's to the 1970's.
All coastal orthoimagery, including black and white and false color infrared aerial photographs, has been digitized and can be viewed in the CT ECO Aerial Imagery Viewer. If necessary, the original photographs may be viewed in the Land & Water Resources Division (LWRD) by appointment only. Please inquire at (860) 424-3034.
- 1974 flight, scale 1:12,000, 9" x 9", covering the shore approximately 10-12 miles inland, and the Connecticut River to the Massachusetts line.
- 1980 flight, scale 1:12,000, 9" x 9", covering the shore approximately 1-4 miles inland.
- 1981 flight, scale 1:12,000, 9" x 9", covering the shore approximately 1-4 miles inland, coordinated to low tide.
- 1986 flight, scale 1:12,000, 9" x 9", covering the shore approximately 1-4 miles inland, coordinated to low tide.
- 1990 flight, scale 1:12,000, 9" x 9", covering the shore approximately 1-4 miles inland coordinated to low tide, and the Connecticut River to the Massachusetts line.
- 1995 flight, scale 1:12,000, 9" x 9", covering the shore approximately 1-4 miles inland coordinated to low tide, and the Connecticut River to the Massachusetts line.
- 2000 flight, scale 1:12,000, 9" x 9", covering the shore approximately 1-4 miles inland coordinated to low tide, and the Connecticut River to the Massachusetts line.
35 MM Oblique Slides
Aavailable for viewing in LWRD by appointment only.
- 1974 flight, each slide covers 1-2 miles of shorefront.
- 1980 flight, each slide covers approximately one-half to one mile of shorefront.
Content Last Updated February 18, 2020