America the Beautiful

Identifying and implementing successful urban forestry projects depends on a comprehensive understanding of current canopy conditions. To that end, the America the Beautiful Grant Program offers funding for municipalities and 501(c)3 organizations to pursue planning projects in urban forestry. These projects may include, but are not limited to, conducting inventories of street or park trees, creating urban forest management plans, developing monitoring programs to document tree condition, or surveys of urban woodlands and natural areas. Any municipality or 501(c)3 in the state is welcome to apply; work in an environmental justice area is not a requirement for this grant. Awards range from $1,000-$20,000 and are administered through the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.


Application Submission

Download the application form here


Application Deadline

December 3, 2021


Associated Documents and Websites

America the Beautiful Grant Program Webpage



Danica Doroski |, | 860-500-0152


Grants and Financial Assistance Main Page