Grants and Financial Assistance
For more information on BIL & IRA-specific federal funding, please visit DEEP's BIL & IRA Updates page.
Below is a list of active funding opportunities administered by DEEP. For more information on a specific program, please click the grant title link.
Current Funding Opportunities:
Energy | Open Space | Outdoor Recreation
Solar for All
Federal grant from US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to increase access to distributed solar and energy storage technologies for low-income and disadvantaged communities. DEEP has five years to spend the $62.45 million grant and will focus on multi-family affordable housing in implementing the Solar for All funding through Project SunBridge. DEEP encourages participation in stakeholder and community engagement opportunities as the details of Project SunBridge implementation are determined. Funding is expected to be available to customers in 2025.
Application Deadline: To be determined
Grant Closed Date: August 31, 2029
Point of Contact:
Grid Resilience State/Tribal Grant Program
Federal grant from the US DOE which will support the efficient and reliable integration of variable and distributed energy resources needed to meet the state's 100% zero-carbon electric sector goal and avoid fossil peaking generation. DEEP will receive a total of $16 million over a period of five years. Grant funds will be used to improve system reliability and resilience in various weather and storm conditions as well as to attract, train, and retain a skilled and local workforce, especially from disadvantaged communities. There is not an active request for proposals to select projects. DEEP has not yet selected projects for the funding.
Application Deadline: To be determined
Contact: DEEP - BETP |
State Energy Program
Federal grant from US DOE which can be used to fund projects which promote energy efficiency, energy security, or environmentally friendly economic growth. Typical annual funding around $700k. No maximum individual award limit. DEEP is currently using this funding to assist with the implementation of other state and federal funding by supporting staffing and consultant costs. DEEP is not currently accepting applications for this funding at this time.
Application Deadline: Annually, in April
Contact: DEEP - BETP |
Weatherization Assistance Program
Federal grant from US DOE to address weatherization and health and safety issues in homes for low-income residents. Annual funding of about $3.5 million. Roughly 80% of funds are passed through to local community action agencies who administer the program at the ground level. Eligibility for customers is 60% SMI.
Application Deadline: Annually, in May
Contact: DEEP Weatherization Assistance Program |
ConneCTed Communities Grant Program
Round two of the ConneCTed Communities will have approximately $10 million in funding available via a competitive grant program that will fund the construction and deployment of broadband infrastructure designed to support the goal of universal access to affordable, resilient, and reliable broadband. DEEP is seeking applications for grant funding to facilitate low-income and multi-family curb-to-home and business broadband infrastructure buildout in underserved areas that will result in service at speeds of at least 100 Mbps/100 Mbps. Eligible applicants include governmental entities, private for-profit entities, non-profit entities, and certain other organizations and partnerships.
Application Deadline: Rolling
Application Close Date: December 2026
The Land and Water Conservation Fund: Outdoor Recreation and Legacy Partnership Program
The NPS has announced Round 8 for the Land and Water Conservation Fund – Outdoor Recreation and Legacy Partnership Program. The ORLP Program is a nationally competitive grant program wherein Municipalities over 30,000 population and containing underserved communities (census tracts) per the Climate and Environmental Justice Screening Tool, or Regional Planning Groups applying on their behalf, may submit proposals for land acquisitions or improvements that will provide or improve recreational opportunities in those communities.
Application Deadline: Annually
Contact: Cameron Clegg |
Federal Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant Program
The CVA program provides annual matching federal grants to fund the purchase, installation, repair/upgrade, operation and maintenance of recreational vessel marine sanitation facilities (pumpout facilities) and pumpout vessels. Eligible applicants include public and private marinas, yacht clubs, boatyards, municipal and state-owned facilities and pumpout vessel programs. Approximately $1 million in grants is available each year in Connecticut for CVA grants. Grants provide up to 75% of the cost of each project, with 25% matching funds being required from the individual grantees.
Application Deadline: Annually
Contact: Kate Hughes Brown | 860-447-4340 |
Content last updated March 2025.