Workplace Charging
Take advantage of all that time and effort you and your employees put in at work and reap the benefits of a workplace electric vehicle charging station. Having an electric vehicle charging station at your workplace generates a sustainable, environmentally-conscious atmosphere while boosting employee morale.
We have organized these workplace charging resources into the six elements that make up a successful workplace charging program:
Gain Support
Gain internal support within your company for workplace charging. Discuss the option of installing an EV charging station at your workplace with your company owner, manager, or human resource director.
Employer Benefits of Workplace Charging
PEV Handbook for Workplace Charging Hosts
Workplace Charging Employer Workshop Toolkit
Conduct an employee survey and a site electrical system evaluation. Keep in mind, employees may be hesitant now, but within the next few years there will be many more electric vehicles, charging stations, and advances in technology.
Strategic Planning to Implement Publicly Available EV Charging Stations: A Guide for Businesses and Policymakers
Sample Employee Survey
PEV Handbook for Electrical Contractors
Consider the costs of installing an electric vehicle charging station. Find out if your company is eligible for tax credits or grants for installing workplace charging.
Federal Tax Credit
EVConnecticut Incentives
IRS Fringe Benefits
Financial Viability of Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Choose an appropriate charging system and explore the various models of electric vehicle charging stations.
Charging Station Basics
Plug-In America Accessory Tracker
Plugin Recharge! EVSE List
Install the system. Be mindful of any local or state siting and signage requirements. If you received a grant from DEEP, there may be very specific siting and signage requirements for the program.
Guidelines for the Installation of EV Charging Stations at CT State Owned Facilities
Siting and Design Guidelines For Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Guidelines for Multi-Unit Dwellings
Establish internal procedures to determine the level of access employees have, priority scheduling, payments and system optimizations.
Plugging in at Work: How to Effectively Install, Share and Manage EV Charging Stations
Top 10 Workplace Charging Etiquette Tips
Goldilocks Approach to Workplace Charging
Charging Station Utilization at a Work Site with Level 1, 2 and DC Fast Charging Units
Please contact us at DEEP.mobilesources@ct.gov if you have questions or need further information.
Content last updated April 20, 2021