Buy License Plates Supporting Long Island Sound, Greenways or Wildlife Programs

  • "Off-the-shelf" plates with random numbers and letters may be ordered for $50.
  • Vanity, low number, and current marker plate numbers can be transferred to a new background for $70.
  • New vanity license plates can be ordered for $135.

LIS License Plate

Long Island Sound

Greenways License Plate


Wildlife License Plate


Join the Drive to Preserve the Sound

The Office of Long Island Sound (OLISP) uses the funds generated from the sale of "Preserve the Sound" license plates to support schools, municipalities, environmental groups, and other non-profit organizations that apply for grants for projects that are beneficial to the Long Island Sound. Some of the projects made possible through the LIS Fund include:

  • Protection of valuable habitats and species.
  • Fishing piers and boardwalks that increase public access.
  • Education signs that inform the public about the diversity of plant and animal species in the LIS ecosystem.

LIS License Plate Application Form

Make the Connection with the Connecticut Greenways License Plate

Greenways may someday make it possible to hop on your bike and ride from New Haven to the Massachusetts border and beyond. Imagine paddling in a canoe on long stretch of the Housatonic and Connecticut Rivers, enjoying unbroken scenic vistas. Your purchase of a greenways license plate will show your support for these systems of trails and corridors. It has been said that greenways connect the places we live with the places we love.  Greenways License Plate Application Form

Step Up to the Plate for Wildlife

Show your support for wildlife conservation in Connecticut with a Conserve Wildlife license plate.    Wildlife License Plate Application Form

Environmental Gift Giving Guide

Content last updated in May 2021.