Tagging and Reporting Deer and Turkey Harvests
2025 Harvest Tags and Instructions
ATTENTION HUNTERS: If you do not receive a confirmation number once you submit a harvest report, DO NOT immediately submit another report. Go back to this Tagging and Reporting webpage; select the “Review Reports” button; and enter the required information. You should be able to view your profile to see if the harvest report was recorded and get the confirmation number if it was (there may be a short lag time before the report shows up).
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- Immediately upon making your harvest, complete a Deer/Turkey Harvest Tag (2025 Tags). The Harvest Tag must be kept with your deer or turkey until it is processed for consumption. While transporting your harvest, you may keep the Harvest Tag in your pocket or wallet. However, if you leave the animal, the completed Harvest Tag must remain with it.
- Deer hunters are NO longer required to bring their deer to a check station. During the entire season, deer harvests must be reported via the Department's website or by calling 1-877-337-4868 within 24 hours.
- All turkeys and deer taken during other periods must be reported within 24 hours via the DEEP's website or by telephone at the toll-free number, 1-877-337-4868 (1-877-DEP-HUNT). The Harvest Report Form provides a list of the information you must submit. to You may find that submitting harvest reports on the website is much easier than using the telephone reporting system (which uses a live attendant who will ask you a series of questions to obtain harvest information). On the website, you answer questions by using convenient drop-down menus. Other advantages of using the website reporting option is that you can review previously submitted reports and print out copies of these reports.
- If you report by telephone, you will need to know the 3-digit number code of the town in which the animal was harvested. A table in the Hunting and Trapping Guide lists Connecticut’s 169 towns and their identifying number codes. The Town Number Code Table is also available on the DEEP's website. If you harvested your deer or turkey on state land, you will also need to know the 3-digit number code of the public hunting area. Tables in the printed Hunting and Trapping Guide also list the 3-digit number codes for all of the public hunting areas. The Public Hunting Area Number Code Tables (split into tables for Eastern and Western Connecticut) are also available on the DEEP's website.
- After reporting via the internet or by telephone, you will be given a confirmation number to write on your Harvest Tag. This confirmation number will serve as proof that you have legally reported your harvest.
- At any time, you can log on to Connecticut's Online Hunter Harvest Reporting System to review the reports you have previously submitted.
Harvest Report Form
Before reporting your harvest, make sure you have all of the information you need to accurately make your report. Need help determining the sex and age of your harvested wild turkey?
Information Requested for Either Deer or Turkeys |
No. of Hours Hunted |
No. of Deer Observed ___ Fawns ___ Does ___ Bucks |
Conservation ID# (5 or 6 digits on license) |
4-digit Year of Your Birth (e.g.,1960) |
Permit Type/Season (e.g., archery deer, spring turkey, etc.) |
2-digit Month of Harvest (01 to 12) |
2-digit Day of Harvest (01 to 31) |
3-digit Town Code |
3-digit Public Hunting Area Code (if applicable) |
Land Type (private or state) |
Tag Type (e.g., antlerless, either-sex, etc.) |
Type of Hunting Implement (e.g., rifle, shotgun, bow, etc.) |
Age/Sex Description |
Number of Antler Points (00 to 24, if applicable) |
Town 3-Digit Number Codes for Reporting Harvests
No. | Town | No. | Town |
001 | Andover | 086 | Montville |
002 | Ansonia | 087 | Morris |
003 | Ashford | 088 | Naugatuck |
004 | Avon | 089 | New Britain |
005 | Barkhamsted | 090 | New Canaan |
006 | Beacon Falls | 091 | New Fairfield |
007 | Berlin | 092 | New Hartford |
008 | Bethany | 093 | New Haven |
009 | Bethel | 094 | Newington |
010 | Bethlehem | 095 | New London |
011 | Bloomfield | 096 | New Milford |
012 | Bolton | 097 | Newtown |
013 | Bozrah | 098 | Norfolk |
014 | Branford | 099 | North Branford |
015 | Bridgeport | 100 | North Canaan |
016 | Bridgewater | 101 | North Haven |
017 | Bristol | 102 | North Stonington |
018 | Brookfield | 103 | Norwalk |
019 | Brooklyn | 104 | Norwich |
020 | Burlington | 105 | Old Lyme |
021 | Canaan | 106 | Old Saybrook |
022 | Canterbury | 107 | Orange |
023 | Canton | 108 | Oxford |
024 | Chaplin | 109 | Plainfield |
025 | Cheshire | 110 | Plainville |
026 | Chester | 111 | Plymouth |
027 | Clinton | 112 | Pomfret |
028 | Colchester | 113 | Portland |
029 | Colebrook | 114 | Preston |
030 | Columbia | 115 | Prospect |
031 | Cornwall | 116 | Putnam |
032 | Coventry | 117 | Redding |
033 | Cromwell | 118 | Ridgefield |
034 | Danbury | 119 | Rocky Hill |
035 | Darien | 120 | Roxbury |
036 | Deep River | 121 | Salem |
037 | Derby | 122 | Salisbury |
038 | Durham | 123 | Scotland |
039 | Eastford | 124 | Seymour |
040 | East Granby | 125 | Sharon |
041 | East Haddam | 126 | Shelton |
042 | East Hampton | 127 | Sherman |
043 | East Hartford | 128 | Simsbury |
044 | East Haven | 129 | Somers |
045 | East Lyme | 130 | Southbury |
046 | Easton | 131 | Southington |
047 | East Windsor | 132 | South Windsor |
048 | Ellington | 133 | Sprague |
049 | Enfield | 134 | Stafford |
050 | Essex | 135 | Stamford |
051 | Fairfield | 136 | Sterling |
052 | Farmington | 137 | Stonington |
053 | Franklin | 138 | Stratford |
054 | Glastonbury | 139 | Suffield |
055 | Goshen | 140 | Thomaston |
056 | Granby | 141 | Thompson |
057 | Greenwich | 142 | Tolland |
058 | Griswold | 143 | Torrington |
059 | Groton | 144 | Trumbull |
060 | Guilford | 145 | Union |
061 | Haddam | 146 | Vernon |
062 | Hamden | 147 | Voluntown |
063 | Hampton | 148 | Wallingford |
064 | Hartford | 149 | Warren |
065 | Hartland | 150 | Washington |
066 | Harwinton | 151 | Waterbury |
067 | Hebron | 152 | Waterford |
068 | Kent | 153 | Watertown |
069 | Killingly | 154 | Westbrook |
070 | Killingworth | 155 | West Hartford |
071 | Lebanon | 156 | West Haven |
072 | Ledyard | 157 | Weston |
073 | Lisbon | 158 | Westport |
074 | Litchfield | 159 | Wethersfield |
075 | Lyme | 160 | Willington |
076 | Madison | 161 | Wilton |
077 | Manchester | 162 | Winchester |
078 | Mansfield | 163 | Windham |
079 | Marlborough | 164 | Windsor |
080 | Meriden | 165 | Windsor Locks |
081 | Middlebury | 166 | Wolcott |
082 | Middlefield | 167 | Woodbridge |
083 | Middletown | 168 | Woodbury |
084 | Milford | 169 | Woodstock |
085 | Monroe |
Public Hunting Area Codes
Western Connecticut 3-Digit Number Codes for Reporting Harvests
(Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties)
No. | Western CT Hunting Area | No. | Western CT Hunting Area |
308 | Aldo Leopold WMA | 341 | Mohawk State Forest - Clark Pond Tract |
201 | Algonquin State Forest | 342 | Mohawk State Forest - Ziegler/Johnson Tract |
202 | American Legion State Forest | 222 | Mount Riga State Park |
203 | Barber Pond WMA | 223 | Nassahegon State Forest |
309 | Bennett's Pond State Park | 319 | Naugatuck State Forest |
204 | Black Rock Lake | 320 | Naugatuck State Forest (Great Hill Block) |
205 | Bloomfield Flood Control Area (Site 1) | 321 | Naugatuck State Forest (Quillinan Reservoir Block) |
206 | Bloomfield Flood Control Area (Site 2) |
224 | Nepaug State Forest |
4 | Bristol Fish and Game | 225 | Newgate WMA |
329 | Bristol Water Company | 226 | Nod Brook WMA and Field Trial Area |
207 | Camp Columbia State Forest | 227 | Northfield Brook Lake (Army Corps) |
208 | Cedar Swamp WMA | 229 | Paugnut State Forest |
310 | Centennial Watershed State Forest | 322 | Paugussett State Forest |
209 | Centennial Watershed SF (Wangum Lake Block) |
230 | Peoples State Forest |
310 | Centennial Watershed SF - (Permit required from Aquarion) |
223 | Pequonnock Valley |
311 | Centennial Watershed SF - Monroe Parcel, Garder Rd. | 324 | Pootatuck State Forest |
312 | Charles E. Wheeler WMA | 325 | Quinnipiac River Marsh WMA |
313 | Collis P. Huntington State Park | 326 | Quinnipiac River State Park |
314 | East River Marsh WMA | 231 | Robbins Swamp WMA |
315 | East Swamp WMA |
232 | Roraback WMA |
211 | East Twin Lakes Water Access Area |
268 | Scantic River State Park |
332 | Enders State Forest (Worthen Parcel ONLY) |
233 | Sessions Woods WMA |
210 | Eversource Newgate Cooperative WMA | 19 | Seymour Fish and Game Club |
262 | Eversource Kings Island Cooperative WMA | 234 | Simsbury WMA |
228 | Eversource Skiff Mountain Cooperative WMA | --- | South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority |
316 | George C. Waldo State Park |
27 | Stanley Works Coop WMA |
213 | Goshen WMA |
350 | Stewart B. McKinney NWR - Calf Island Unit |
317 | Great Harbor WMA |
350 | Stewart B. McKinney NWR - Great Meadows Marsh |
318 | Great Swamp Flood Control Area |
350 | Stewart B. McKinney NWR -Chimon/Sheffield Islands |
214 | Hancock Brook Lake (Army Corps) |
235 | Sucker Brook Flood Control Area |
215 | Housatonic River WMA |
22 | Suffield Sportsmen's Association |
216 | Housatonic State Forest |
236 | Suffield WMA |
217 | John A. Minetto State Park |
237 | Sunnybrook State Park (west of Newfield Rd.) |
218 | Mad River Dam Flood Control Area |
238 | Thomaston Dam (Army Corps) |
219 | Mattatuck State Forest |
239 | Topsmead State Forest (north and west of Rt. 118) |
343 | MDC Barkhamsted Reservoir - East Block |
327 | Trout Brook Valley State Park |
346 | MDC Barkhamsted Reservoir - West Block |
240 | Tunxis State Forest |
220 | MDC - Colebrook Reservoir/Hogback Dam |
24 | Wallingford Town Owned Area |
221 | MDC - Greenwoods Pond |
241 | Whiting River Flood Control Area |
349 | MDC Lake McDonough |
242 | Wood Creek Flood Control Area |
330 | MDC Nepaug Reservoir - Valentine/Pine Hill Block |
328 | Wooster Mountain State Park |
345 | MDC Nepaug Reservoir - Sweetheart Mtn. Block |
243 | Wyantenock State Forest |
14 | Meriden Rod and Gun Club |
Eastern Connecticut 3-Digit Number Codes for Reporting Harvests
(Middlesex, New London, Tolland, and Windham Counties)
No. | Eastern CT Hunting Area | No. | Eastern CT Hunting Area |
272 | Assekonk Swamp WMA | 286 | Natchaug State Forest |
244 | Babcock Pond WMA - Waterfowl Hunting Blind | 261 | Nathan Hale State Forest Mgmt. Area |
273 | Barn Island WMA | 287 | Nehantic State Forest |
274 | Bartlett Brook WMA | 288 | Nipmuck State Forest |
275 | Bear Hill WMA | 17 | Norwich PR Area |
276 | Beaver Brook State Park | 289 | Nott Island WMA |
277 | Bigelow Hollow State Park | 264 | Nye Holman State Forest |
245 | Bishop Swamp WMA | 290 | Pachaug State Forest |
337 | Black Pond WMA | 291 | Pease Brook WMA |
347 | Candlewood Hill WMA | --- | Plum Bank WMA |
246 | Cockaponset State Forest | 292 | Pomeroy State Park |
247 | Cromwell Meadows WMA | 293 | Quaddick State Forest |
248 | Durham Meadows WMA | 294 | Quinebaug WMA |
6 | East Windsor - Enfield Area | 295 | Quinebaug River WMA (Aspinook Pond) |
249 | Eightmile River WMA | 265 | Ragged Rock Creek Marsh WMA |
250 | Ellithorpe Flood Control Area | 266 | Raymond Brook WMA |
263 | Eversource Maromas Cooperative WMA | 279 | Roger Tory Peterson WMA |
212 | Dr. John E. Flaherty Field Trial Area and WMA |
297 | Rose Hill WMA |
278 | Franklin Swamp WMA |
298 | Ross Marsh WMA |
280 | Harkness Memorial State Park (Verkade Property) | 299 | Ross Pond State Park |
11 | Hebron PR Area | 267 | Salmon River Cover and Haddam Neck WMA |
251 | Higganum Meadows WMA | 300 | Salmon River State Forest |
252 | Higganum Reservoir | 301 | Selden Neck State Park (Selden Island) |
302 | James V. Spignesi WMA | 269 | Shenipsit State Forest |
281 | Killingly Pond State Park | 333 | Silvio O. Conte NWR - Deadman's Swamp Unit |
253 | Kollar WMA | 333 | Silvio O. Conte NWR - Roger Tory Peterson Unit |
254 | Larson Lot WMA | 333 | Silvio O. Conte NWR - Salmon River Division |
282 | Lebanon Coop Mgmt. Area | 333 | Silvio O. Conte NWR - Whalebone Cover Division |
283 | Little River Fish and Wildlife Area | --- | South Cove WMA |
284 | Lords Cover WMA | 20 | Sprague Town Land PR Area |
255 |
Mansfield Hollow State-leased WMA (excluding State Park and Field Trial Area) |
350 | Stewart B. McKinney NWR - Salt Meadow Unit |
256 | Mansfield State-leased Field Trial Area | 303 | Sugarbrook Field Trial Area |
339 | Meadow Brook WMA | 304 | Talbot WMA |
338 | Menunketesuck WMA | 334 | Tankerhoosen WMA |
257 | Meshomasic State Forest | 270 |
Wangunk Meadows WMA |
258 | Messerschmidt Pond WMA | 305 | West Thompson Dam (Army Corps) |
259 | Millers Pond State Park | 271 | Wopowog WMA |
285 | Mohegan State Forest | 306 | Yale-Myers Forest (owned by Yale University) |
260 | Mono Pond State Park | 307 | Zemko Pond |
296 | Moween State Park (Red Cedar Lake) |
Determining the Age and Sex of a Wild Turkey
You can use the table below, as well as the following photos, for assistance in determining the age and sex of your turkey before reporting your harvest.
Beard of an adult male turkey is longer than 6 inches.
Beard of a juvenile male turkey is shorter than 6 inches.
Spur of an adult male turkey is longer than 1/2 inch.
Spur of a juvenile male turkey is shorter than 1/2 inch.
Outer two wing feathers of an adult turkey are rounded with barring to the tip.
Outer two wing feathers of a juvenile turkey are pointed with no barring to the tip.
Adult turkey tail fan shape is smooth.
Middle tail feathers are longer than the others on the tail fan of a juvenile turkey.
Breast feathers of wild turkeys for females are dull buff-tipped (left) and iridescent black-tipped in males (right).
Main Hunting and Trapping Page
Content last updated in January 2025.