Arts & Culture

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  • Strategic Partnership Grants

    Invests COA resources in specific, values driven initiatives to accomplish priority goals defined in its strategic plan.

  • Grant Overview Guidelines

    These guidelines outline what is required of applicants by law and will help applicants understand the requirements before entering the COA funding process.

  • Use the Connecticut Brand

    Download the State's official brand in different layouts and file formats.

  • Accessibility

    Resources to assist with the development and implementation of more accessible arts.

  • Cultural Districts

    Review standards and criteria for determining a Cultural District, which is a specific area of a town or city that has a number of cultural facilities, activities and/or assets.

  • Regional Service Organizations

  • Arts Learning

    Advancing arts education and experiences through professional development and funding support.

  • Directory of Teaching Artists

    CT teaching artists reviewed for their excellence, readiness, capacity and desire to work in schools.