Strengthening Families

The CT Department of Children and Families in partnership with the CT Head Start State Collaboration Office will be offering a workshop on the Strengthening Families model of protective factors and how it can be integrated into practice with children, families and communities. The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) will be offering the workshop four different times. Each session will run from 9:00AM to 5:00 PM

Strengthening Families Implementation Teams

Adolescent Workgroup
Early Childhood Workgroup
Education Workgroup
Foster Care/Adoptive/Kinship Workgroup
Regional Service System Workgroup

Strengthening Families Practice Model

Cross Cutting Themes
Desired Outcomes


Practice Model
A practice model is a description of our shared values and the strategies we use to work with families.  The practice model is built on a foundation of family engagement.
Strategies:  There are seven strategies of our Strengthening Families Practice Model
  1. Family Engagement
  2. Purposeful Visitation
  3. Family Centered Assessment
  4. Supervision and Management
  5. Initial and Ongoing Assessments of Safety and Risk
  6. Effective Case Planning
  7. Individualizing Services
Cross Cutting Themes:  As the Department moves toward full implementation of the practice model, we are guided by  seven critical cross-cutting themes:
  1. implementing strength-based family policy, practice and programs;
  2. applying the neuroscience of early childhood and adolescent development; 
  3. expanding trauma-informed practice and culture;
  4. addressing racial inequities in all areas of our practice;
  5. building new community and agency partnerships;
  6. improving leadership, management, supervision and accountability; and   
  7. becoming a learning organization.
Desired Outcomes :  Implementation of the practice model will ensure consistent effective engagement across offices and will improve the quality of work and supervision, Desired outcomes include:
  1. Prevention - fewer families need DCF Services
  2. Children remain safely at home, whenever possible and appropriate
  3. Children who must come into DCF care achieve more timely permanency.
  4. Improved child well-being - All children in our care and custody are healthy, safe and learning; that they are successful in and out of school, and that we help them find and advance their special talents and to give something back to their communities.
  5. Youth who transition from DCF are better prepared for adulthood.