A Message from Commissioner Dorantes...

"This was not here a few months ago," said my Oncologist said as she reviewed my mammography film. This was only a few months into my appointment as Commissioner. It was at that point I began my journey against cancer. I am here today as a living testament that early detection saves lives. Listen to more of my story here.
As state employees, we have the benefit of regular reminders though our Health Enhancement Program. The pandemic has caused delays in routine screenings & regular check-ups. Our health is too precious to wait. There's never a right time…we have to make time to take care of ourselves.
October is also Domestic Violence Awareness month. Read this month's Spotlight on What's Right newsletter and the story of Luis. It is one all too familiar to so many of us: a man struggling with coercive control. He is a different person now. Luis, and his entire family, are benefitting from supports designed to include all family members in treatment after an act of violence occurs. Supports and healing are truly only a phone call away.
In this edition, we also hear from Anne, who is as inspirational as her road to sobriety. When the ills of substance use, past traumas including domestic violence, challenges of single parenthood and the pandemic became overwhelming, a team came together on her behalf. Her message to us speaks loudly as to how positive outcomes can be achieved when family engagement and community-based supports all work in concert with one another.
We are in the middle of Hispanic/Latin (O,A,X) Heritage month too! "Our diverse mosaic makes up the fabric of our workforce." I made this comment during the Central Office virtual celebration. We are honored to have Monica Rams, Director of Multicultural Affairs, provide us insight into "the greatness that exists in and that is the Hispanic/Latin American Community."

Hope for a better tomorrow is truly based in honoring the differences we have and learning from and about EACH OTHER.